Stories Definition Quotes
(power to forgive vested with human
is that quality in a human
being which separates him from the animals and the lower
forms of living beings. To preach forgiveness is a simple task but
to practice forgiveness in real life is the essence of life.
Only a person with extreme humbleness imbibed within and a feeling
of compassion for his compatriot is able to practice forgiveness!
To forgive requires that the forgiver forgoes all the sufferings
of the past that may have been inflicted upon him by the gruesome
acts of the indulgent. A tough task indeed but not something that
cannot be practised!
In most circumstances
one may not have committed any sin,
still practising forgiveness brings within us a feeling of extreme
calm and compassion for the mankind in general. Practice of forgiveness
normally cannot be practiced by the common man for it requires practising
patience to its extreme.
If we are to achieve our goal
of life... we just cannot manage to cling on to events of the past...
happenings which cannot be reversed by us using any means. We cannot travel back
in time to undo the events of the past.
Why not practice forgiveness and forgive those ignorant denizens of the society
who practiced ill will and caused harm to the society. Forgiving the
ignorant is the best policy... it clears us of the debris of the past! Indulgence
in the ugly residual remembrances of the past results in anger.
Why destroy our body and health by harbouring the evil thoughts of the past. Knowing
well that we cannot undo the events of the past... we must brace ourselves for
the times ahead! To peacefully practice in the present
we need to follow the dictates of forgiveness to its extreme! There are no allowances
in the field of forgiveness. It has to be total surrender! Practising
forgiveness is the biggest boon to mankind from God
Almighty. One can exercise this power and reach for the higher goals
of life by discriminating between the good and the bad. Harbouring ill will against
one never yields positive results.
In present times when the values in the society are in their lowest
ebb we need to exercise this special power of discrimination (practising
forgiveness) quite often. We have no other remedy if we are to rise
to a higher bracket in life.
Every successful person in life practices forgiveness to its extreme.
Whether it was Mahatma Gandhi, John F. Kennedy or Margaret Thatcher
and Bill Gates for that matter... all were and are the best practitioners
of forgiveness in their life.
Forgiveness just cannot be preached... it has to be practiced in
totality! Only then shall we be able to enjoy the fruits of practising
forgiveness in present life. All the Man
Gods of the yester era... Mahavira,
Buddha, Jesus
Christ and Prophet
Mohammed practiced forgiveness all the time right from
a very young age.
Practising forgiveness gives you an edge over your contemporary...
it helps maintain the sanity of a person. Forgiveness reduces the
element of hate which follows whenever wanton desires get practiced.
an example- One Yogi
(a renowned seeker of spirituality)
was one day having a bath on the edge of a swollen river which had flooded. It
so happened that because of the flood one scorpion happened to float by. On seeing
the plight of the scorpion that it might die... the Yogi picked it up in his hand
but immediately had to do away for the scorpion gave a piercing poisonous bite.
Forgiveness: quotes
forgive forget how to forgive one
Unmindful of the bite the Yogi again picked up the scorpion and again the scorpion
bit his hand. This happened thrice. One passerby who was aware of the spiritual
accomplishments of the Yogi could not contain himself and coming near
to the Yogi enquired of him why he was trying to help the nasty scorpion.
The reply by the Yogi made the onlooker flabbergasted. It was not to be believed
for the Yogi had replied, "when this poor scorpion (a much lower level of
species on the plane of evolution)
is not able to let go of his habit of biting one... how could the Yogi let go
of his habit of helping one. What a great practitioner of compassion and forgiveness
this Indian Yogi was.
In spite of being bitten thrice... he was able to practice forgiveness owing to
the feeling of compassion within. This is how forgiveness can be truly defined.
A true practitioner of forgiveness never thinks of the results of the acts by
the other but remains concentrated on the end goal
of his life... always and ever! This helps one develop the power of
forgiveness... true compassion to be practiced in daily life.
by: Vijay
Kumar "Atma Jnani"
Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993 explains the concept and
meaning of Forgiveness. For more details on forgiveness essays visit
- forgiveness.
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