happens to the
Body after Death
(Death Reason)
What happens to the body
after death... has intrigued mankind ever since wisdom (termed jnana in Hinduism)
took a firm footing! What happens to the body after death is intriguing not
only to the spiritual seekers... the accomplished sages and saints but what happens
after death equally disturbs mankind in general... the masses... the commoners!
We all want
to know... what happens after death? Where does our soul atman...
the spirit within go after death of the body! Does the body incarnate
into a new life form... a new human being in the next manifestation...
if it does then in the interim period where does our soul atman...
the spirit within remain?
Until the manifestation
into a new body... a new journey of life... where does our soul
atman disappear. What is the connecting link between two manifestations...
two human lives? Is human being truly a spiritual being... or a
form manifested by our soul atman to maintain continuity of life
in the cosmic system!
does it mean when people say after the death of the body... we again reincarnate
into a new body... a new journey of life! Is it the present body that reincarnates
or it is altogether a new form of life in the next manifestation! What is the
true status of a human being in the journey of life of a soul atman... the spirit
within! The death
of the body... is it a temporary phase in the journey of life... or a permanent
end for the present body... the present human being! What is the relationship
between human beings and their soul atman... the spirit within! Why human beings
manifest a new life after death of the body? Where do heaven (swarga in Hinduism)
and hell (naraka in Hinduism) come into play? If
we truly desire understanding, "what happens to the body after death"...
we have to assimilate the teachings contained in sacred Bhagavad Gita of Hinduism...
the foremost of all sacred scriptures existing on Mother Earth. Gautama Buddha
came 423 years earlier to Jesus Christ. Gautama Buddha was preceded by Mahavira
who came 77 years earlier! And
Lord Krishna... an Avatar of his era (God manifest in human form) came about thousand
years earlier to Mahavira... the man who gave Bhagavad Gita to community! The
sermon of Bhagavad Gita was delivered to King Arjuna by Lord Krishna in the battle
of Mahabharata... as Lord Krishna wanted upholding Dharma (righteousness) under
all costs.
Gita is not all about a sermon... or philosophical teachings or spiritual messages!
Bhagavad Gita is the beginning and the end of life. Right from the stage of big
bang when God Almighty explodes self to form a Cosmos... until dissolution of
the Cosmos (termed Pralaya in Hinduism)... all is given in explicit detail in
the sacred Bhagavad Gita of Hinduism. The
messages conveyed in Bhagavad Gita form the true essence of life! In absence of
Bhagavad Gita mankind simply could not survive. religions were never a path
to reach God. People pray to God... to gain something out of God... we are demanding
of God in our prayers! In worshipping God... we fear the hidden factors...
the unknown domain that can surround us any moment! Those
who truly desire traveling the spiritual path... reaching God in their lifetime...
understand the intricacies of life in the end! The moment one gains enlightenment
(kaivalya jnana)... the intrigue... what happens to the body after death becomes
clear in entirety... as if it had been hiding behind the door all the time!
crux of life can only be understood after reaching the stage of enlightenment...
never before! For an enlightened one death carries no meaning! Having gained enlightenment...
we cross over complexities of ephemeral life forever... becomes immortal forever
from the physical manifestations point of view! Immortality
is not a chapter of physical manifest life. Immortality is meant for an enlightened
one... one who has reached the end of cosmic life... the 8.4 millionth manifestation!
Reaching the end of cosmic life is not an ordinary mortals domain... it requires
patience, persistence and perseverance of the highest order! The
moment an enlightened one realizes we are in fact an immortal soul atman on its
cosmic journey of 8.4 million manifestations... the form of human beings simply
being a series of sojourns for the soul atman to cleanse self of the dross impurities
within. It is by traveling the spiritual path... the ignorance within the soul
atman reduces step-by-step! The
moment full awakening of the Kundalini occurs... one reaches the stage of enlightenment
(kaivalya jnana) forever. For an enlightened one death carries no meaning as the
need for the soul atman to manifest a new body now ceases to exist! The purified
soul atman finally enters abode of God... the kingdom of God (termed Vaikuntha
in Hinduism). For
an ignorant dominated by a bloated ego... wanton desires and greed for materialistic
riches... the phrase... what happens to the body after death continues haunting
for long! But to an enlightened one... one who has reached the end of cosmic
life... death was but a temporal phase... as simple as changing of guards at Buckingham
Palace! After
death of body the bereaved family weeps but on the spiritual front... in the domain
of God Almighty... in the life of soul atman nothing much has happened. The freed
soul atman (not liberated)... the moment matching parents become available on
Mother Earth manifests another life form and starts a new journey of life!
intricacies of the spiritual world are not difficult to fathom yet, it is only
by traveling the spiritual path one unveils the pearls of wisdom contained in
spirituality step-by-step. As the ignorance within the human beings reduce...
our soul atman steps higher on the spiritual plane. Removal of ignorance... taking
control of five senses and mind in totality is the essence of life! From
limited power of five senses and mind... workings of spiritual path can never
be visualized! Only when one transcends five senses and mind in totality...
one enters the domain of spirituality... the world of our soul atman... the spirit
within! Intermittent peeping into the domain of God is a daily affair for many
but permanent communion with God is possible after gaining enlightenment! If
we truly desire understanding what lay beyond death... what happens after death...
we need to travel the spiritual path now for we do not know what we shall be in
the next manifestation! Only by understanding the pearls of wisdom contained in
Bhagavad Gita can one unveil the truth behind... what happens to the body after
death... never otherwise!
is the connecting link between two manifest forms of life. Whatever is the residual
balance of karma after death of body in present life... the same becomes the opening
balance for the next manifestation... the new journey of life! The moment one
gains enlightenment (kaivalya jnana)... the karma negates forever... becomes nil
in entirety! After
death of the body until the freed soul atman gets a new body... the soul atman
remains either in heaven (swarga in Hinduism) or hell (Naraka in Hinduism).
In swarga Heaven if the residual balance of karma is positive and hell if negative!
Both heaven and hell exist in sun... Heaven in the center and hell in the periphery! Still,
can we say as preached by religious teachers that one shall get the seat of choice
in heaven by doing pious deeds in present life... making charitable donations
etc.! Heaven exists in center of sun where temperatures exceed millions of degrees
centigrade... it is in such high temperatures our soul atman feels comfortable!
exists in periphery of sun where temperatures are considerably less. It is in
such low temperatures our soul atman suffers for eternity! Sooner matching parents
become available on Mother Earth... the hibernating soul atman immediately manifests
a new life form and starts a new journey of life on Mother Earth.
by: Vijay
Kumar "Atma Jnani"
Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993 explains more on What
happens to the Body after Death. For more on death reason visit
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