of Absolute Celibacy
There are no
dangers in practicing celibacy... it is all gains every moment of
life! The practice of absolute celibacy is necessitated on the spiritual
path... never otherwise! If we seek enlightenment (kaivalya jnana)
and finally salvation (moksha) in present life... the practice of
celibacy is necessitated... never otherwise!
It is advisable
that until marriage... celibacy must be observed sincerely and dutifully!
That was how God Almighty ordained the system of human beings to
be. Celibacy does not mean what we normally understand! True celibacy
is practiced mentally... the physical path only constituting not
more than 10% of the job.
Celibacy in
absolute terms means blocking the flow of negative thoughts forever.
Establishing control over thoughts is really challenging for human
beings. Only by practice of absolute celibacy one establishes control
over the flow of thoughts... never otherwise! For reaching the stage
of nothingness... practice of absolute celibacy is a must!
In practical
terms celibacy means transmuting our sexual urges to more creative
channels. God Almighty ordained a particular quota of energy to
every man and woman month after month... year after year! Only by
redirecting this sexual energy towards more creative channels...
human beings realized their goal of life!
Every successful
man or woman in life has established absolute control over celibacy!
One may admit or not... controlling sexual urges... redirecting
sexual energy towards the only goal of life... one gains absolute
success in life! Simply stopping the flow of semen does not serve
purpose... we need redirecting this potential energy towards the
goal of life.
By practicing
celibacy mantra, I finally realized God in 1993 at 37 years of age!
The practice of absolute celibacy if conducted in the right manner...
leads one to the stage of Nirvikalpa Samadhi... when one can have
dialogue with God Almighty on one-to-one basis! The mental powers
can practically be increased to nth degree... i.e. infinity!
by: Vijay
Kumar "Atma Jnani"
Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993 explains more on
Practice of Absolute Celibacy. For more details on controlling sexual
urges, redirecting sexual energy, flow of semen visit -
of absolute celibacy. Send
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