resisting sexual temptations

Resisting Sexual Temptations: Essay by Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993
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Resisting Sexual Temptations

Vow of Celibacy

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Remaining Celibate

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Practice of Absolute Celibacy

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Meaning of Celibate

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Resisting Sexual Temptations

By practicing celibacy in right earnestness! Celibacy is not the domain of spiritual seekers alone. Every successful person in life practices celibacy... Channelising sexual energies to more creative uses! Sexual energy is the most potent of all energies available to mankind. It is sexual energy controlling which one gained enlightenment (kaivalya jnana) and finally salvation (moksha).

The only means of resisting sexual temptations is not abstention from sexual relationship. Attraction towards members of opposite sex is inbuilt in human relationships! One cannot do without it. Celibacy does not mean abstention of sexual indulgence alone... the physical act constitutes hardly 10% of the job.

Pure celibacy... absolute celibacy is practiced mentally! When the flow of all negative thoughts to the brain stops altogether... one finally reaches the stage of Nirvikalpa Samadhi! In physical terms... celibacy can simply be controlled by practice of celibacy mantra. Truly speaking as ordained by God Almighty only three relationships exist on Mother Earth.

Every female is either a mother, sister or daughter... says the mantra of celibacy! Difficult to practice... but not impossible! There is no fourth relationship on the platform of celibacy! Respecting mankind... respecting ladies is no ordinary task. Only by practice of absolute celibacy one finally controls sexual inhibitions forever.

God Almighty ordained a particular quota of sexual energy to every man and woman month after month, year after year! Some while it away through pure physical channels... others channelise it towards the goal of their life. Transmuting sexual energies towards the only purpose of life is what success is all about! Every successful person in life is highly sexually oriented!

Essay by: Vijay Kumar "Atma Jnani"

Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993 explains more on Resisting Sexual Temptations. For more details on channelising sexual energies, sexual energy, absolute celibacy, celibacy mantra visit -
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  • Meaning of Celibacy

  • Meaning of Celibate

  • Remain Celibate

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