It is not necessary
that one remains celibate for life. The purpose behind remaining
celibate is to preserve the cosmic dormant energies present within
us for a nobler goal. If one marries... the precious energy is lost.
Even though God Almighty provides a monthly quota of energy to every
man and women... the same is not sufficient to travel the spiritual
Bible has ordained
to practice celibacy. Bible also emphasizes to follow the path of
spirituality and gain enlightenment and finally salvation. Reaching
the stage of enlightenment (kaivalya jnana) is only possible if
we preserve the precious quota of energy provided to us every month.
Apart from preserving it... we need to channelise this energy towards
a spiritual pursuit of life.
awakening of the Kundalini which is an essential must on the path of enlightenment
is made possible when we channelise the stored energy to awaken the Sahasrara Chakra existing behind our forehead in the brain. The moment the Sahasrara Chakra
unfolds fully... one gains enlightenment. The
awakening of the Kundalini, the unfolding of the Sahasrara Chakra announces one
has reached the stage of Nirvikalpa Samadhi. From now on... one can have a dialogue
with God on one-to-one basis. It
is the end of the cosmic life cycle for the soul atman within. Having gained enlightenment
and salvation (moksha)... our soul atman finally leaves for the kingdom of God
(aka Vaikuntha in Hinduism). Here
we need remember that to gain enlightenment... absolute celibacy for a minimum
period of 12 years is a necessity. Remaining celibate for life is not an essential
must. Essay
by: Vijay
Kumar "Atma Jnani"
Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993 explains more on
Remain Celibate! For more details on practicing celibacy visit -
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