creation of cosmos

Creation of Cosmos: Essay by Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993
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Creation of Cosmos

Cosmos not universe as the present cosmos consists of many universes! Bhagavad Gita of Hinduism... the foremost of all sacred scriptures existing on Mother Earth details everything about the creation of cosmos until the dissolution (collapse of cosmos).

Imagine the situation when old cosmos is collapsing. At this stage devoid of all impurities... volume of entire Cosmos reduces to size of half a thumb. And what is this half a thumb? This half a thumb is collective power of all purified souls atmans in the Cosmos we know as God Almighty.

This primitive primordial cosmic energy... the size of half a thumb... collective power of all purified souls atmans in the Cosmos... God Almighty himself unable to retain itself for long in its prime pure state again explodes with a big bang creating a new cosmos... a new journey of life!

Does this mean Cosmos forms when God Almighty explodes self... yes, the truth is so! Every single soul atman that exists within human beings is God Almighty in minuscule form existing within us. The human form is the highest manifest stage in the cosmic life cycle.

Soon after big bang all souls atmans scatter all over Cosmos at unimaginable speeds. In the melee the hurtling souls' atmans gather impurities similar as a rolling ball gathers moss. To cleanse themselves of the dross impurities within every soul atman manifests a series of 8.4 million bodies... and starts an earthly journey of 96.4 million years!

Every soul atman initially manifests the form of an amoeba (single cell formation)... the first manifestation in the cosmic life cycle. It further evolves into multi-cell formation, then insect life, plant life, animal life and finally the form of human beings.

Before reaching the human stage... every soul atman has already manifested 7.3 million forms in insect, plant and animal life! In the human form alone we have 1.1 million manifestations for human beings to reach the stage of enlightenment (kaivalya jnana) and finally salvation (moksha).

The concept of big bang theory may be disputed for scientists but not for Hinduism or the sacred scriptures of Hinduism. Bhagavad Gita of Hinduism is the only scripture existing in world the knower of which finally gains enlightenment and salvation... becomes omniscient for all practical purposes.

Essay by: Vijay Kumar "Atma Jnani"

Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993 explains more on Creation of Cosmos. For more details on human form, highest manifest stage, cosmic life cycle visit -
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