destiny directly proportional to karma performed

Destiny directly proportional to Karma performed: Article by Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993
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Destiny directly proportional to Karma performed

our soul atman the spirit within destiny is directly proportional to the karma performed! We perform karma only when we have a desire... a wish to fulfill! In absence of a desire... life would continue in a monotonous manner... without any charm! If we truly desire manifesting destiny... we have to perform karma based on our desires... goals of life!

Unless we have a definite goal in life... we can never manifest destiny! The control of destiny always laid in the hands of human beings... not God Almighty! God always acts as a Dhrista (onlooker) never interfering with the creation of his. The whole cosmic system is run by the doctrine of karma... the ultimate controller of all things cosmic!

As we sow so shall we reap nothing less are more says the law of karma! In the cosmic system there are no free lunches... everything results from a system that cannot err! We cannot expect mangoes to grow on a guava tree. Having a goal in life is of utmost importance. Having a definite goal in life is journey have covered.

In absence of a goal in life... life is like a rudderless boat going round and round in the ocean! our soul atman the spirit within desires... our wishes must be firm... they must never change with time. If we keep changing our desires or wishes we shall land nowhere! We must have a fixed goal in life that must be pursued with the bulldog determination of Winston Churchill with all eggs in one basket!

When 11 years of age I had a deep-rooted desire to see and meet God in this very life. By 13 my desire turned to firm conviction... come whatever may in this very life I shall see and meet God! 25 years of Yoga meditation... I finally realized God in 1993 at 37 years of age! Achieving something in life is never a miracle... we have to work for it!

Performing our part of karma is a necessity! Any human being can achieve any goal of life by directing all energies towards the only goal of life! One can truly manifest destiny by having only one desire... one wish in life! Life seems haphazard... confusing only when we do not have a goal in life. Ask those who are successful in life... all had the habit of forming a firm goal in life early!

Essay by: Vijay Kumar "Atma Jnani"

Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993 explains more on Destiny directly proportional to Karma performed. For more details on as we sow so shall we reap, law of karma, goal in life, fixed goal in life visit -
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