and Destiny
Every human
being is the master and controller of ones destiny! Why? Everything
in the cosmic system is governed by doctrine of karma... as we sow
so shall we reap nothing less or more! As is our karma in the present
manifestation... accordingly is our future! If we are born in the
house of a cobbler... all owes its existence to the residual balance
of karma of previous manifestations.
Having come
unto this Earth... having born to our parents... we have already
manifested a part of our destiny! By enacting good karma... positive
karma... Punya karma in present life we can finally manifest
destiny. But to establish absolute control over destiny... having
a goal in life is of utmost importance. Having a goal is journey
half covered.
In the absence
of a goal... our life is like a rudderless boat going round and
round in the ocean. As we normally witness... there are many hard
and sincere workers all round but only very few succeed in life.
Why? Because above 95% people world over never form a goal in life.
In absence of a goal... all our stored energies dissipate without
accomplishing anything worthwhile.
Smart as human
beings are... a portion of karma termed Prarabdha karma in Hinduism
does not fructify immediately. This portion of karma termed Prarabdha
karma can fructify now... a few months or years later... or in the
future manifestations! This hidden factor of karma was created by
God Almighty to keep human beings in check... lest we not interpolate!
We sometimes
witness one winning a lottery suddenly... that does not result from
karma of present manifestation. This results from the precipitation
of, the fructifying of... positive residual balance of Prarabdha
karma from the previous manifestations. What if the residual balance
of Prarabdha karma is negative... most likely bad fate befalls us
Both fate and
destiny go hand-in-hand. To get out of the clutches of negative
residual balance of Prarabdha karma from the previous manifestations...
it becomes imperative we indulge in positive karma... good karma...
Punya karma all the time! Only then can we negate... neutralize
the bad effects of negative Prarabdha karma from previous manifestations!
by: Vijay
Kumar "Atma Jnani"
Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993 explains more on
Fate and Destiny. For more details on absolute control over destiny,
goal in life, absence of goal, prarabdha karma, hidden factor of
karma, bad fate befalls us visit -
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