of Dream Dreams
primarily serve two purposes in life. Dreams through our subconscious self makes
us aware of the path we should follow in this ephemeral world. Whenever dictated
by ego... we follow a path... different from one desired by our soul atman within...
it is through the medium of dreams God Almighty shows us the truth!
On the contrary
in this ephemeral world whenever the stresses and tensions of the
mortal world increase beyond our tolerance... dreams follow! In
this case dreams serve as pressure release valves so that human
beings do not succumb to brain haemorrhage or heart failure prematurely!
Dreams not only release the excessive pressure... they also show
us the correct path!
If dreams did
not exist... most human beings would not reach the age of 35! Most
would die premature death. Dreams truly act as symbols and signs
in our ephemeral world. Whenever things tend to go wrong... it is
only through the reflections in dreams one can take remedial measures
in real life.
the cosmic system it is our soul atman that is dominating. It is our soul atman
that has manifested the body and not vice versa. It is our soul atman within that
is the master and controller of the body. The sweet small voice of our soul atman
that seems to come from within our heart always guides us on the right path. Only
when we follow the path of absolute truthfulness... the voice of our soul atman
can be distinctly heard by one... never otherwise! Bogged down by wanton desires
and greed for materialistic riches most human beings never hear the voice of our
soul atman. Devoid of this voice... it is only the medium of dreams that comes
to our rescue. In
the ephemeral world we gloat over our achievements... what when in our dreams
we find our achievements a miserable failure! The cosmic journey of life by our
soul atman demands absolute purity in all affairs of the ephemeral world. Prompted
by the ego within... most human beings neither care for the voice of the soul
atman within nor the dreams. In
such circumstances... falling prey to sudden death through brain haemorrhage or
heart failure cannot be ruled out! Interpreting the dreams correctly is the gist
of life human beings must always take care of! Only when one reaches the stage
of Nirvikalpa Samadhi just before gaining enlightenment (kaivalya jnana)... we
do not dream altogether! One
who has gained absolute purity need not dream further. For the enlightened one...
devoid of all impurities within... the world of dreams vanishes forever. No dross
within... the dreams are not further necessary! Essay
by: Vijay
Kumar "Atma Jnani" Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized
God in 1993 explains more on Purpose of Dream. For more details on dreaming visit
- purpose
of dream. Send
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