of Education (importance of a good education)
In our life what is the
Importance of Education? Gaining good education is that attribute of life absence
of which may kill the very spirit of humanity! Cramming books... running after
marks... does it signify importance of a good education or the truth of life lay
elsewhere. When
very young I just wanted to learn ABCD. I thought if I were as intelligent as
to learn ABCD ever in my life... may be I would distribute sweets all over the
village. It was not a simple wish... I truly desired from my heart that I have
to learn ABCD somehow in my life. My brother knew ABCD well... for me he seemed
the most intelligent person on earth. As
time passed by values of good education brought in its rewards! I had started
traveling the ladder of education... first by maintaining good school attendance...
secondly trying to grasp understand what education was all about. By the time
I reached ninth standard I had developed a habit of cramming everything... coming
second in class most of time! Something
in my heart fluttered all the time. Something seemed amiss! On the scales of good
education I was missing something! I inherently recollected everything and
felt that cramming was not the solution to all good things in life. Whatever
I crammed up in standard four... I seemed to have forgotten all in standard five. If
the system of cramming... getting good marks was okay... I should have remembered
everything in the journey of life... but that was not to be! I took a final decision...
one fine morning I stopped cramming in totality! When the results of first test
were announced in class nine... I had scored zero in four subjects... four in
one... and two in one! I had bitterly failed! Entered
principal... the revered brother Ambrose with a stick in hand! He called out my
name and asked me reason for the failures. I had none... I could not tell anyone
at this stage that I had stopped cramming! For one subject there had to be two
canings... after I had received five canings... principal brother Ambrose stopped! He
advised and admonished me to improve the grades. Whatever I had done was never
to get repeated! I promised him that I would stick to the promise of not repeating
the grades again. Slowly I rose the ladder of true education... learning everything
from the basics! I was happy from within... probably I had learned the value
of importance of good education in life!
now on I was never to cram up anything in life... I was to go after basics theorems
and precepts to understand the underlying principle! Finally by the time I reached
class 11 when I was to appear for board examinations I truly had become more intelligent
than when I was cramming everything that came my way! In
the board examinations I cleared everything except mathematics paper. I got a
compartment which I cleared with ease! The confidence that radiated made my parents
comfortable! By now I had realized the importance of education... how important
it was to gain good education early in life. In absence of good education... journey
of life seemed meaningless! Life
has its pitfalls but I can never forget what brother Ambrose the principal did
for me. Realizing that I had joined school from a Hindi medium school... he concentrated
upon my learning English at a faster pace! Every single day he called a batch
of four to five students who were weak in english language to school in the evening
and ceremoniously took out his ambassador car from the garage.
this makeshift class room... he imparted to us the knowledge of English making
us realize that to learn or know anything in life English was the base! In absence
of proper English we would not capture the wisdom contained in books of different
subjects. Brother Ambrose continued this affair of teaching us English ceremoniously
for many years. Such
principals in present times are difficult to find. It was Brother Ambrose who
truly made us realize the importance of good education... the importance of high
school education! When
I look back in life almost 40 years... it is beyond imagination how I... a village
lad had progressed in life! From considering ABCD as essence of life, I had advanced
to the highest stage human beings can reach in manifest life! I had reached the
stage of self realization... the state of nothingness when one can have a dialogue
with God Almighty on one-to-one basis and that too permanently!
I became spiritual... how I inculcated and adored the basic values of life...
all must have stemmed from my karma of the past life but in present life... the
day I stopped cramming... it was start of a new life... a new era for me! Imagine
the whole school hounding me why I had obtained zero in most subjects when I used
to come second in class? Most
class teachers of different classes... my own class teacher unable to fathom the
depth of reasoning why I was not scoring well in class often called me to the
staffroom for a homely discussion but I always kept quite. I could not have told
the truth to anyone at that stage... I kept mum! My old class teacher Mrs. Sally
was totally flabbergasted... unable to understand anything! Cramming
everything in classroom in life is meaningless! Running after marks in the
tests and examinations also is meaningless! What ultimately matters is the good
education gained in journey of life... something learning which one finally
could be termed an intelligent one! Wisdom never requires cramming... wisdom always
had to be understood from within! The
contents of sacred Bhagavad Gita of Hinduism... the foremost of all sacred scriptures
existing on Mother Earth... can never be understood literally! All the 700 shlokas
(verses) are full of divine messages yet, how many truly follow the wisdom contained
in Bhagavad Gita! The teachings of Bhagavad Gita can only be understood by reading
in between the lines. Good
education means learning from within! Whatever is written in books has to
be rehearsed in our thoughts... we have to reached the underlying principle on
which the writings have been summarized! We have to know the cause of the writing!
We have to understand the true meaning hidden behind! We have to educate ourselves
truly from within! Fathoming
the depth of wisdom contained in Bhagavad Gita of Hinduism... I finally realized
God in 1993 at 37 years of age! Having reached the Mount Everest of spiritual
pursuit... the epitome of spirituality... there is nowhere further to go on the
spiritual path! I have reached the end of mortal world beyond which lay the empty
doors of kingdom of God (termed Vaikuntha in Hinduism).
A to Z.... the journey of life for me has been very enchanting! Unveiling the
principles of life every now and then has been truly enlightening! One look back
over past years... it gives me immense satisfaction that never in my life ever
I just lived for the sake of living... I spent every moment of my life intelligently...
the best I could! The
importance of education in life is immense... no student can undermine the importance
of good education in life! The importance of good high school education is
realized the moment we reach college life. Following career education in school
life is of utmost importance. Unless we form a goal in life early... no matter
what the journey... Life would always seem incomplete! If
we compare a well read student with one who has neglected education in all stages
of life... we would find the well educated student beaming with energy... the
incomprehensible confidence that is rare of human beings particularly students!
Gaining good high school education is cause of a good foundation early in life.
or no money... belonging to a rich or poor family is always immaterial! Whoever
contradicts this must learn from Babu Rajendra Prasad... the first president of
an independent India! Belonging to a poor family... with no money to spare...
the entire education of Babu Rajendra Prasad is attributed to the lamppost by
the street corner! Where
there is a will... there is a way! No matter how many hardships one encounters
in life... path to gaining good education is always available to one who seriously
desires overcoming all obstacles and getting ahead in life as did Babu Rajendra
Prasad! In spite all handicaps faced in life... Babu Rajendra Prasad exhibited
exceptional devotion to gaining good education early in life! The
merits of good education are many foremost of which is learning something new
daily in life! Good education does not mean gaining bookish knowledge alone! Good
education imparts those vital ingredients of life that make life worthy of living!
If we cram everything in life... life would simply become monotonous... ultimately
decay and die!
maintain ingenuity... unveiling new facts of life on a daily basis is a necessity!
Educating self in journey of life is necessitated as human form is the highest
manifest stage in cosmic life cycle. Only as human beings our soul atman finally
liberated self from cycle of birth and death forever... regained its lost original
pure prime pristine primordial form... which was not possible otherwise! At
no stage of life importance of education reduces! When a journalist wanted to
interview Plato at the age of 93... He found him immersed in books. Astonished
he asked the purpose of his reading... Plato plainly replied... to acquire more
knowledge! Almost on deathbed... this serious seeker of knowledge wanted his intelligence
increased at the ripe age of 93! Wow! Such
incidents are not common yet, the importance of education early in life is a valuable
by: Vijay
Kumar "Atma Jnani" Vijay
Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993 explains more on Is there any Proof
that God created the Earth. For more on importance of a good education visit -
importance of education. Send
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