end of the world

End of the World: Essay by Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993
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End of the World 2012 Predictions Prophecies how and when

It's the End of the World as we know it...

When did you think the world population would annihilate itself... i.e. bring about the End of the World 2012! Yes... 2012 would announce the End of the World as it is today.

Imagine as of now... a world without computers and mobiles... what shall be the shape of the world to come... would it not mean the end of the world!

End of the world is not merely a saying; its implications would vary from place to place and country to country. Nostradamus predicted the End of the World in 1994, 1998 and also 2012. Why?

If the End of the World did not occur in 1998, it was merely because the entire population of the world sensing the impending danger of the world war engrossed itself in massive prayers... this led to the delaying of the End of the World as it is today!

Every passing day brings us nearer to End of the World. Why?

Even a layman can understand the catastrophe human beings are landing themselves in because of the breaking down of the family and the moral values in daily life. Literally the human beings as of today find indulgence in materialistic tendencies as humorous and entertaining.

The happenings in Iraq and Afghanistan are a testimony to this absolute truth. The end of the world shall accompany with itself a fight to the finish between Christianity and Islam.

End of the World is imminent for the trust between various countries, religions and castes is coming to an end. The faith lost shall only lead us towards the End of the World. There is no escape for the upheaval of the society is not possible without a looming World War 3.

Every revolution... every sacrifice carries with it the seed of the oncoming golden era. As of today when the manifest science is at its peak... in a short while from now and around 2012 we shall witness the End of the World... the most ghastly event that the humanity as of today shall face.

Who shall survive this End of the World phenomenon? Everyone... nay every human being for that matter who has a positive balance of Karma shall survive. One may witness a missile exploding at a short distance... the gods will shall save us from experiencing the rigors of the holocaust. Everyone with Punya Karma (positive balance of Karma) in balance shall experience a win-win situation.

End of the World Prediction by Nostradamus and others astrologers is purely based upon the balance of Karma of the total mankind at any given point of time. When the End of the World shall be... can be assessed with fair accuracy as of now!

The End of the World does not mean a doom for the mankind... it shall only be a revival of the cherished golden values in the society. After the End of the World occurrence... the society shall again start from the basics... with no science to support initially... the mankind shall as stated by Einstein begin life as man had experienced it during the Stone Age.

The balance of Karma of the total humanity as of today indicates the looming danger around 2012. Every Era (Yuga) indicates the arrival of a Sanatana Purusha (manifest god himself)... one who is much above the level of man gods like Mahavira, Buddha, Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammed.

This true son of god... imbibed with godly powers shall be able to scale the barriers that separates the societies and the countries all over the globe. He shall completely overall the existing social and moral values of the society which result in the End of the World predictions.

One who carries with him the conviction of Napoleon Bonaparte, the bulldog determination of the Winston Churchill, the humility which formed part of Mahatma Gandhi, the compassion of Buddha, the persistence which forms part of every Indian, and the flawless dedication for mankind as experienced in Madame Curie... all the powers combined shall be the forte of the representative of God Almighty on mother earth.

One who shall uplift the values of the society back to their pedestal and bring back the society from the rigors of End of the World and usher it into a new era... One who delivers the mankind from the presently existing ills...? Sri Kalki Bhagavan... who shall he be?

Nostradamus has predicted one with a blue turban shall rule the world after the End of the World. Many world-wide who try to interpret this particular quatrain of Nostradamus do it wrongly. Quatrains by Nostradamus are not to be literally interpreted. One has to search for the hidden inner values in each and every quatrain.

Nostradamus in his quatrain by the blue turbaned one... simply meant that the advent of the true son of God shall be from a land which is of the shape of a blue turban... a piece of land surrounded by water on two sides... like in a turban. The peninsular shape of India which is surrounded by seas and oceans on two sides confirms this.

The blue turbaned one shall be from India... the country which produced Sri Krishna, Mahavira, Buddha, Jesus Christ and also Prophet Mohammed. India has since times immemorial been considered the place of worship and wisdom. And India shall pay a significant role in the End of the World saga.

Those who practice compassion and forgiveness in the face of the most extreme adversities are the true spiritual torch bearers of the society. The values practiced in India have no parallel in mankind. You hit on the one face and the other turns over... such was the compassion and forgiveness practiced by Mahatma Gandhi!

End of the World flash, End of the World cartoon, End of the World video and end of the world lyrics confirm that the End of the World is very near. As of today none wants to face the disastrous End of the World! Yet, we do not have a remedy! Why not all of us brace ourselves for the most tragic happening of the era... the End of the World!

Essay by: Vijay Kumar "Atma Jnani"

Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993 explains the concept of End of the World. For more details on end of the world 2012 visit - end of the world. Send your query - click here Ref. 050904

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