Stages of Evolution

Stages of Evolution: Article by Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993
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Stages of Evolution

Yes... the trees also evolved! As per sacred Bhagavad Gita of Hinduism... the most sacred Scripture of Hinduism on Mother Earth... life started in the cosmic system as an amoeba (single cell formation)... the first manifestation in the cosmic life cycle!

It subsequently evolved into multi-cell formation, then insect life, plant life, animal life and finally the form of human beings! Human beings are not the ultimate controller of all things cosmic! It is our soul atman the spirit within that has manifested the human form to work out its karma.

our soul atman the spirit within soul atman the spirit within is the ultimate master and controller of the body and not vice versa! It is not within powers of a human body to manifest a soul atman. Ever since souls' atmans started their cosmic life... they are gradually evolving... manifesting!

In its life cycle of 8.4 million manifestations... the initial 7.3 million manifestations are in insect, plant and animal form... in the remaining 1.1 million manifestations human beings are expected to reach the stage of enlightenment (kaivalya jnana) and finally salvation (moksha).

Before reaching the human stage our soul atman has already manifested 7.3 million life forms of which millions of life forms were that of plants and trees. Does it mean every single human being has already remained a type of tree or a plant in earlier manifestations... yes, the truth is so!

Before manifesting the human form our soul atman has already manifested various types of plant and tree forms! The analogy of the cosmic system can be understood from an ongoing class! When in class one... our soul atman is passing through insect life. In class three it is passing through the life of a plant!

In class eight our soul atman has manifested the form of an animal and in class 12 the form of human beings! The student remaining the same... it is only the classes that keep changing. our soul atman the spirit within soul atman remaining the same... it is only the forms that keep changing... from manifestation to manifestation... body after body!

Essay by: Vijay Kumar "Atma Jnani"

Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993 explains more on Stages of Evolution. For more details on ape to human evolution man chart visit -
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  • Evolution and religion

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