for Spiritual Evolution
(Evolving Spiritually)
Spiritual preachers
are abound in various techniques for spiritual evolution yet, teachings
of Bhagavad Gita of Hinduism forms the core of spirituality devoid
which no human being can ever scale the highest portals of spirituality...
the stage of enlightenment (kaivalya jnana)! Bhagavad-Gita... the
doctrine given to mankind by Lord Krishna is without a parallel
in mankind!
Amongst all
the techniques for spiritual evolution available to mankind... fathoming
the depth of wisdom contained in sacred Bhagavad-Gita of Hinduism...
human beings scaled all barriers of spiritual pursuit... reached
the stage of enlightenment (kaivalya jnana) and finally gained salvation
Spiritual evolution
is part of daily life. Why? The form of human beings is not the
end of all! our soul atman the spirit within soul atman the spirit within that has manifested
the human form is the ultimate master and controller of the body
and not vice versa. It is not within the capability of the human
body to manifest a soul atman... pure live consciousness that resides
in our heart!
clearly states... it is our soul atman the spirit within that is
on its cosmic journey of 8.4 million manifestations... an earthly
life cycle of 96.4 million years! our soul atman the spirit within soul atman manifests the human
form to work out its karma... cleanse self of the dross impurities
within! In absence of the human body... our soul atman is but an
inert matter!
Similar as one
KG of pure gold sandwiched in lump of hundred KG of gold ore cannot
separate of its own and requires external mining machinery and processes
for its extraction... our soul atman also requires manifesting a
body... to reach end of cosmic life... the 8.4 millionth manifestation
when human beings gained enlightenment (kaivalya jnana) and finally
salvation (moksha)!
manifestation after manifestation our soul atman moves towards gaining
more purity! As the dross impurities within the soul atman remove...
human beings finally evolve spiritually! For human beings to reach
the end of cosmic life God Almighty ordained a journey of 12.4 million
earthly years in the human form... a total of 1.1 million manifestations!
Spiritual evolution is not new for sages and saints in any era but
with passage of time modalities... the underlying techniques change!
Evolving spiritually is one of the fundamental principles of cosmic
system. Be it form of insects, plants, animals or human beings...
all continue evolving spiritually every moment of life!
By following
path of spirituality... by becoming a sincere spiritual seeker...
any human being can faster pace of achievements on the spiritual
scale but any given moment of time... every living body on mother
earth enhances spiritually no matter what! All this happens inherently
as it is our soul atman the spirit within that has manifested the
body... the human form!
The manifested
form... the human body simply cannot stop the spiritual development
of the body... the human form! Spiritual evolution is an inherent
process... one keeps evolving all the time no matter what! Those
who desire gaining enlightenment early in life... need fathoming
depth of wisdom contained in Bhagavad-Gita of Hinduism.
The sacred Bhagavad-Gita forms the core of all sacred Scriptures
existing on mother Earth. By assimilating wisdom contained in 700
shlokas (verses) of Bhagavad-Gita... human beings finally reached
8.4 millionth manifestation... the last in the cosmic life cycle!
Mahavira, Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammed... all
gained enlightenment following dictates of Bhagavad-Gita!
The contents
of Bhagavad-Gita are so sacred... so hidden that none can understand
Bhagavad-Gita literally! For truly understanding Bhagavad-Gita one
needs traveling the path of absolute truthfulness. In the present
Kali Yuga (Dark Age) traveling the path of absolute truthfulness...
being truthful all the time is extremely difficult yet, not impossible!
Dogged by wanton
desires and greed for materialistic riches... normal human beings
become a slave to their bloated egos... the prime reason why most
human beings desist from traveling the spiritual path! Gaining enlightenment
in a lifetime of 70 to 80 years is difficult yet, not impossible...
the prime reason why in last 150 years only two persons gained enlightenment!
Both Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa and Maharishi Ramana started their
spiritual journey via the path of bhakti yoga... at certain stage
they switched to the path of jnana yoga (the path of absolute wisdom)!
Following the dictates of Bhagavad-Gita both Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa
and Maharishi Ramana finally gained enlightenment (kaivalya jnana)
in their lifetime!
There is no
particular technique for spiritual elevation... spiritual evolution...
as many human beings as many different paths to God can there be!
Every single living entity is a living consciousness that has been
manifested by a soul atman the spirit within! At no stage of life
we can underestimate the power of our soul atman the spirit within!
Amongst all
the techniques available for spiritual evolution... initially human
beings require establishing absolute control over five senses and
the mind! Establishing absolute control over five senses in a lifetime
is difficult yet, not impossible! The moment absolute control over
five senses is established... control over mind power becomes easy!
No human being ever has an independent mind! The mind of the entire
cosmos is one! It has two compartments... the reservoir of mind
plus and reservoir of mind minus! From the reservoir of mind plus
flow all positive thoughts... from the reservoir of mind minus all
negative! All thoughts that exist in cosmos exist from times immemorial!
No human being
ever produces any thought! All thoughts are floating in ether...
the black substance that occupies most of the cosmos... the dark
space of the cosmos! Ever since mankind came into existence... the
thoughts were ever flowing since inception of the cosmos! Human
beings only invoked thoughts based on their capability!
Highly evolved
human beings invoked higher stages of wisdom... those living at
lower-level... the commoners... the masses invoked mundane thoughts
that relate to day-to-day affairs of life! For a commoner it is
simply not possible to invoke thoughts of higher nature! It is only
by traveling the spiritual path one removed the dross impurities
within... scaled higher levels of life!
Spiritual evolution is part of human life! In the material world
while pursuing wanton desires most human beings may deny traveling
spiritual path yet, inherently all human beings evolve spiritually
may be at a lower pace! As human beings we have only one life to
live in present form! Who knows what we shall be in next manifestation...
why not travel the spiritual path now!
Apart from controlling
five senses and the mind... the next technique for spiritual evolution
involves practicing absolute celibacy, voluntary celibacy for a
minimum period of 12 years in continuation! It is only by practicing
celibacy for 12 years in continuation full awakening of the kundalini
becomes a reality!
The human evolution
requires a journey of 1.1 million manifestations... an earthly life
cycle of 12.4 million years to reach the stage of enlightenment
and finally salvation. To accomplish all this in a life span of
70 to 80 years is mystifying... not legible! Yet, in a life span
of 70 to 80 years every single human being can reach the stage of
enlightenment and salvation! How?
Imagine a multistoried building having 1.1 million steps! For gaining
enlightenment we need to climb one step at a time and reach the
top! What if we took the elevator straight up! This becomes possible
by practicing absolute celibacy for a period of 12 years in continuation
and awakening our kundalini to its full potency!
In whatever
stage of life I may have been... when 13 years of age my simple
desire turned to firm conviction... come whatever may in this very
life I shall see and meet God! 25 years of yoga meditation... I
finally reached the 8.4 millionth manifestation when I realized
God in 1993 at 37 years of age!
Practicing absolute
celibacy... voluntary celibacy for a period of 12 years in continuation
in given circumstances... in the sensual surroundings is not only
difficult to achieve... seems nay impossible! God made beautiful
ladies... the sulking human being falls prey to their bewitching
beauty as did Sage Vishwamitra of yester era and Acharya Rajneesh
(aka Osho) of present times! Keeping a tab on sensual desires is
the most difficult task facing mankind!
While traveling the path of pure spirituality... I do not remember
how many times I had to eat hell for breakfast... how many contemplations
of suicide! No matter what, I never looked back! I had to see and
meet God in this very life... I continued with full faith in God
Almighty never succumbing to the bewitching beauty abound!
The respect
for ladies I have since childhood made my day. Following celibacy
mantra truthfully I finally crossed all hurdles on the spiritual
path! Considering all women folk world over as my mother, sister
or daughter... I finally plunged myself into cauldron of spirituality!
14 years to pass and I finally emerged a winner... one who had scaled
the Mount Everest of spirituality!
Follow any technique
for spiritual elevation but always remember we have one life to
live... the present earthly sojourn of 70 to 80 years! By establishing
absolute control over five senses and mind, by practicing absolute
celibacy for a period of 12 years in continuation... every human
being can reach the end goal of life... the 8.4 millionth manifestation!
by: Vijay
Kumar "Atma Jnani"
Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993 explains more on
Techniques for Spiritual Evolution. For more details on evolving
spiritually spiritual development visit -
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