evolution life form

Evolution Life form: Article by Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993
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Evolution Life form

The doctrine of evolution is a theory and not a man-made concept. In the process of evolution nothing has been left to chance or choice. The concept is very simple... as we perform so shall we get... nothing less or more. The question of transgressing the boundary of our fellow mates does not arise. Karma takes care of all that.

Let us start from the beginning. The first manifestation by our soul atman within is the form of an amoeba. As it performs... based on the residual balance of karma... it further evolves into multi-cell formation. Next it evolves into insect life, plant life, animal life and finally the form of a human being.

In the form of an insect one manifests the form of a fly or a mosquito... is purely dependent upon the residual balance of karma of the previous manifestations. God Almighty has got nothing to do with it. Nor the incumbent itself! However once born as a fly... it may outdo other flies which is again dependent on its karma of the present life.

If the karma performed in the present life is negative in nature... one shall manifest a lower life form in next life. In any species none is ever allowed to transgress the boundaries of the other. If one does so... it gets punished in the next manifestation itself. One is born at a lower level. Selfishness has no role to play in the process of evolution.

It may sometimes appear that one with selfish motives is getting ahead in life. True... but only on the physical plane! In the next manifestation, all such benefits accrued would be wiped out. The doctrine of karma is complex yet none is permitted to play with the lives of others be it the insect, plant or the animal kingdom. Even as a human being none is permitted to outdo others by selfish means.

One may definitely get ahead in present life by mischievous doings but come the next manifestation... all shall get equated! In the house of God... deceit and untruthfulness are never permitted. All is the result of a law that cannot err.

Nothing is disordered in the cosmic system as has been wrongly inferred by Stephen Hawking in his famous book, "A brief history of time". Stephen Hawking... considered a scientist of the highest order fails to understand the basic rudiments of life that the whole Cosmos would collapse that very moment if chaos developed at any stage.

In the human form alone we have 1.1 million types of manifestations. The soul atman within manifest a body absolutely dependent upon the residual balance of karma from the previous manifestations! Nothing happens by chance. All is the result of a system that is flawless.

Essay by: Vijay Kumar "Atma Jnani"

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