is God
The description
of who is god is best detailed in sacred Bhagavad Gita of Hinduism!
The definition of God Almighty... the meaning of God Almighty can
only be understood by one who follows the teachings contained in
Bhagavad Gita and various Upanishads (independent treatises) of
Who or what
is god can be best understood by travelers of spiritual path...
never otherwise! Travelers of religious path never get to know what
God is all about! God Almighty can never be reached via path of
religion... path of rituals! For reaching God Almighty one needs
traveling uncharted path of spirituality... the path of unknown!
It has
been rightly said, "As many human beings... as many different
paths to God Almighty can there be"! For understanding God
Almighty we need to understand the philosophy behind creation of
cosmos! As per Bhagavad Gita of Hinduism, God Almighty is the creator
of all things cosmic. How? It is only when God Almighty explodes
self... the whole cosmos gets created!
This creation
theory of Hinduism as detailed in Bhagavad Gita is absolute truth!
None world over can belie this truth! God Almighty can never be
reached via path of Christianity, Buddhism and Islamic Dharma! Why?
God Almighty can only be reached by one who follows the independent
path of spirituality... who believes in the fact that any human
being has the potential to become a Mahavira, Gautama Buddha, Jesus
Christ or prophet Mohammed!
Believers of
Christianity, Buddhism and Islamic Dharma never believe in the fact
that human beings have the potential to become a Jesus Christ, Gautama
Buddha or Prophet Mohammed in this very life! As per Bhagavad Gita
of Hinduism... all human beings on mother earth have the potential
of becoming a siddha... a bodhi... an enlightened one!
Starting from beginning of cosmos... let us imagine a moment when
dissolution of old cosmos occurs! At this stage as per Bhagavad
Gita of Hinduism... the volume of entire cosmos reduces to size
of half a thumb! How is this possible? Believers of science would
never believe in this concept... the prime reason why scientists
world over failed to understand God!
As per Bhagavad
Gita of Hinduism apart from God Almighty nothing exists in whole
of cosmos! God Almighty is the only truth of life. And what is God
Almighty... who is god? The combined power of all purified souls
atmans in the cosmos at a given moment of time is what we call God
At the time
of dissolution of old cosmos (termed Pralaya in Hinduism)... every
single soul atman in cosmos reaches cosmic end of life... the 8.4
millionth manifestation when human beings gained enlightenment (kaivalya
jnana) and finally salvation (moksha)! Does this mean at the time
of dissolution of cosmos every single living being reaches stage
of enlightenment... yes, the cosmic truth is so!
Devoid of all dross impurities within... the combined mass of all
purified souls atmans occupied volume of half a thumb! And this
primordial cosmic energy in its prime pure state is what we call
God Almighty! This magnanimous unimaginable primordial cosmic energy
we call God Almighty unable to contain itself for long in its prime
pure state again explodes with a big bang... resulting in formation
of a new cosmos... a new beginning of life!
Until God Almighty
exploded self... formation of new cosmos was never possible! With
the explosion of big bang... all purified souls atmans scattered
all over cosmos at unimaginable speeds! In the melee... these hurtling
souls atmans gathered impurities similar as a rolling ball
gathers moss.
To cleanse themselves
of dross impurities within starts cosmic life cycle of every soul
atman. As ordained by God Almighty... every soul atman needs a maximum
of 8.4 million manifestations... an earthly life cycle of 96.4 million
years before it regains back absolute purity! As per Bhagavad Gita...
every human being is a spiritual being on its cosmic journey!
Every soul atman manifests the human form to reach stage of enlightenment
(kaivalya jnana) and finally salvation (moksha)! Human form being
the highest manifest stage in cosmic life cycle... it is only in
human form every soul atman finally reaches cosmic end of life...
the 8.4 millionth manifestation!
Every soul atman
initially manifested form of an amoeba (single cell formation)...
the first manifestation in cosmic life cycle! Subsequently it evolves
into multi-cell formation... then insect life, plant life and animal
life! Before reaching human form... before manifesting human form
for the first time every soul atman has already manifested 7.3 million
bodies in insect, plant and animal life!
As ordained
by God Almighty... as stated in Bhagavad Gita... in the human form
alone we have a chain of 1.1 million manifestations for human beings
to reach stage of enlightenment (kaivalya jnana)! This journey of
1.1 million manifestations is covered by a soul atman in 12.4 million
earthly years... the prime reason why reaching stage of enlightenment
is difficult... almost impossible!
At whatever stage of manifest life one is... it is possible for
human beings to travel spiritual path, reach cosmic end of life
in present life time! Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa did it and so did
Maharishi Ramana! In the last about 150 years amongst 7 billion
people existing world over only two persons reached stage of enlightenment
(kaivalya jnana) and finally salvation (moksha)!
Both Sri Ramakrishna
Paramhansa and Maharishi Ramana realized God in their lifetime...
in the limited time span of 70 to 80 years of physical manifest
life! Both these spiritual stalwarts... Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa
and Maharishi Ramana started their spiritual journey via path of
bhakti yoga! Subsequently both switched to path of jnana yoga...
path of absolute wisdom!
In present times
none can reach God via path of bhakti yoga! For reaching God...
for knowing God... for understanding who is God... path of jnana
yoga in present times is a necessity... a compulsion! Human beings
who think otherwise never get to know God... the prime reason why
followers of Christianity, Buddhism and Islamic Dharma never get
to know God!
God Almighty is not form of human beings! It is a source of enormous
primordial energy... the sum total of all purified souls atmans
in the cosmos at a given moment of time! The best part of life is...
every single life form contains a portion of God Almighty as our
soul atman within! Stated in simpler words... God Almighty exists
within us in miniscule form as our soul atman!
If an independent
grain of sand is a soul atman... the whole mound God Almighty! Every
single soul atman is a piece of puzzle... the completed puzzle God
Almighty! Right from beginning of time... the crux of life remains
gaining enlightenment in human form at the earliest. Whatever our
accomplishment of material world... the moment death takes over...
all is left behind!
Seekers of spiritual
path never worry about material wealth! They have realized the absolute
truths of life! At the time of death of body... something that gets
carried forward to next life is our residual balance of karma...
positive or negative! Karma acts as accountant general of cosmic
system! Whatever the residual balance of karma at the time of death
of body... the same becomes the opening balance for next manifestation!
If the residual balance of karma at the time of death demands one
manifesting form of a laborer in next manifestation... next life...
one simply cannot don the form of a Prince... it just cannot be!
In the domain of karma... in the house of God... there never are
free lunches! Everything results from a premeditated order that
is applicable to every single living being on mother earth.
self realization... God realization means our soul atman... the
spirit within regaining its lost original pure prime pristine primordial
form! The moment human beings reached the stage of enlightened one...
all is over for soul atman within! The purified soul atman after
liberation finally entered kingdom of God (termed Baikuntha in Hinduism)!
For knowing
who is God... for reaching stage of enlightenment (kaivalya jnana)...
one single sacred scripture... Bhagavad Gita of Hinduism suffices!
One need not refer to any other sacred scripture of Hinduism ever!
The 700 shlokas verses contained in Bhagavad Gita suffice for human
beings to reach stage of enlightenment (kaivalya jnana) and finally
salvation (moksha)!
People world over engaged in various modes of meditation and yoga
with the hope of knowing God one day! Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa
and Maharishi Ramana reached God in their lifetime... why not pursue
the path of those who gained enlightenment in their lifetime! Anything
related to Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa and Maharishi Ramana... any
literature is of great help!
Apart from Bhagavad
Gita and literature relating to Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa and Maharishi
Ramana... nothing much is required to travel the spiritual path!
The most difficult part of traveling spiritual path is... one may
never get a preceptor... a true spiritual master who had realized
God in his lifetime to guide at every stage of life!
Thinking that
no human being can reach stage of Jesus Christ is the biggest misnomer
of all... the prime reason why Christianity awaits coming of Antichrist!
One single follower of Hinduism... the revered Bhagavan Kalki...
one who unveils fallacies of Christianity would be termed Antichrist!
Jesus Christ was born an ordinary mortal but gained enlightenment
in his lifetime!
The success of Jesus Christ is attributed to famed Nalanda and Taxila
universities of Bharatvarsha (now India)! When 13 years of age...
Jesus Christ stowed on a ship to India to learn intricacies of spiritual
path... the wisdom contained in Bhagavad Gita! The missing years
in life of Jesus Christ (from age 13 to 30) explains it all!
Why run after
ephemeral riches of life when all shall be lost after death of body!
By understanding God... by understanding who we are... human beings
not only simplify their life journey... possibilities of their reaching
cosmic end of life increases! When God can only be reached via path
of jnana yoga... path of Bhagavad Gita... why indulge in rituals...
go to a temple church or mosque!
When young 11
years of age... I wanted to see and meet God! By 13, my simple desire
to see and meet God turned to firm conviction... in this very life
I shall see and meet God... come whatever may! I decided to travel
path of absolute truthfulness always and ever... no matter what
adversities I faced on spiritual path!
25 years of yoga meditation... I finally landed in laps of God Almighty!
In 1993 at 37 years of age I finally realized God... reached end
of cosmic life... the 8.4 millionth manifestation! I have become
a pure soul atman. The need to manifest a new body further now ceased
to exist! The moment I leave my mortal frame... I shall but attain
salvation (moksha)!
For knowing
God... for understanding God... most human beings world over indulged
in various sacred scriptures... literature unknown never realizing
that for reaching God traveling path of absolute truthfulness was
the prime necessity! How many beings world over do we really think
travel path of absolute truthfulness always and ever! Many... no,
the number may not exceed two or three!
is that stage in cosmic life cycle when complete wisdom of cosmos
is available at our tips! An enlightened one finally becomes knower
of all... gains omniscience for all practical purposes! For a true
seeker of spirituality wisdom never laid in rituals or scriptural
texts... following path of absolute truthfulness one finally reached
stage of enlightenment forever!
Remaining truthful all the time... establishing control over five
senses and mind became easier! Practicing absolute celibacy for
a minimum period of 12 years in continuation was a further necessity!
Practice of absolute celibacy for 12 years in continuation made
full awakening of kundalini possible within one's lifetime!
For reaching
stage of enlightenment... full awakening of kundalini energy was
an absolute must! The coiled Serpentine energy... lying dormant
in base of spine is crucial to gaining enlightenment! As the dross
impurities within soul atman removed... our kundalini awakened gradually!
As the dross impurities removed completely... our Kundalini Shakti
reached the top forehead!
Full awakening
of kundalini shakti results in opening of Sahasrara Chakra (thousand
petaled Lotus) existing in our brain behind the forehead! The moment
this happens... complete wisdom of cosmos is at our tips... one
finally becomes an enlightened one... becomes knower of all! Enlightenment
is a one-way path... bud having bloomed into a flower cannot become
a bud again!
For an enlightened one... material riches of life carried no meaning!
By enacting good karma... positive karma... Punya karma all the
time... every serious seeker of spirituality finally gained enlightenment
at the end of journey! Journey of spiritual path... gaining enlightenment
is such an experience that can never be described in words.
For an enlightened
one... communicating with God all the time becomes a real possibility!
One can finally commune with God all the time! Having realized God
in 1993... I am in permanent communion with God every second of
life! In my entire lifespan of 54 years, I have yet to find a spiritual
seeker who truly desired reaching God!
Most human beings
floated on surface... fearing diving deep into bottomless pit of
wisdom contained in Bhagavad Gita! For unearthing pearls of wisdom
contained in Bhagavad Gita... we have to take calculated risks!
I do not remember how many times I had to eat hell for breakfast...
how many contemplations of suicide!
Some say... spiritual path is full of thorns! They get it all wrong.
The spiritual path is not full of thorns... it is made of thorns!
Traveling the unknown path in absence of a spiritual guru is something
not palatable to most... the prime reason why people feared traveling
spiritual path! Swami Vivekananda was one such ardent follower of
Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa who could have gained enlightenment in
his lifetime but Swami Vivekananda thought otherwise!
The goal of
life for Swami Vivekananda was community service! Swami Vivekananda
in his entire lifetime never wanted to go in search of God Almighty!
He only wanted to know the abstract truth of life... see God for
once! When Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa placed his one leg on his
shoulder... Swami Vivekananda was totally mesmerized!
He could not
only see God... He realized what God was all about and left! Swami
Vivekananda served the community to its best! He died brokenhearted
at a young age as he could not barter spirituality for dollars from
people in West! Spirituality... no matter what can never be sold!
So was ordained by God Almighty.
Every single article of mine that exist on Internet is available
absolutely free of all costs for mankind to study... contemplate!
But how many people truly understood depth of wisdom contained in
Bhagavad Gita of Hinduism! I get many queries... but intelligent
queries are a rarity! Most human beings who pursue God in present
times do not understand what God is all about nor do they understand
definition of soul atman!
Can such people
ever be trusted to know God... realize absolute truths of life ever!
God Almighty is never found in temples, churches and mosques...
God Almighty is found in simpler... smaller truths of life! If we
truly desire reaching God in present life time... we have to travel
path of absolute truthfulness always and ever... there is no escape
from that!
by: Vijay
Kumar "Atma Jnani"
Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993 on Who is God. For more
details on who is god in hinduism, faith in god, does god exist
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