Krishna and Gautama Buddha
Lord Krishna
and Gautama Buddha... both are non comparable! One an embodiment
of God Almighty... the other an enlightened one! Enlightened can
be many but Avatar (God manifest in human form) is one in a Yuga
(earthly life cycle)!
Lord Krishna
is always considered an Avatar of his era (God manifest in human
form). When things go astray... situation absolutely out of control...
there is no other remedy but for an Avatar... a messiah to come
and provide much needed reprieve!
In present times...
the present Kali Yuga... the Dark Age... the metal age people await
coming of Bhagwan Kalki... an Avatar of present era (the modern
age). One with almost equivalent powers of Lord Krishna... Bhagwan
Kalki would succeed in re-establishing Dharma (righteousness).
In Hinduism...
every Yuga starts with the coming of an Avatar (God manifest in
human form). Life always comes full circle as per Hinduism. Lord
Krishna came about 3600 years from now. About thousand years later
followed Mahavira... the 24th tirthankara of Jainism (an enlightened
About 77 years
later came Gautama Buddha... 423 years later Jesus Christ and few
centuries later prophet Mohammed. All man gods Mahavira, Gautama
Buddha, Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammed in their lifetime gained
enlightenment (kaivalya jnana) and finally salvation (moksha).
Any human being
on Mother Earth can gain enlightenment and finally salvation but
never become an Avatar (God manifest in human form). Until now all
Avatars and man gods came from India... and remaining shall also
follow from India. Why?
Hinduism forms
the core of life on Mother Earth. In the history of mankind India
has never attacked any country... and it shall never! Fathoming
the depth of wisdom contained in sacred Bhagavad Gita of Hinduism...
human beings gained enlightenment and salvation.
Bhagavad Gita
of Hinduism... the doctrine given to mankind by Lord Krishna forms
the core of life. The knower of Bhagavad Gita finally becomes the
knower of all... gains omniscience forever!
by: Vijay
Kumar "Atma Jnani"
Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993 on Lord Krishna and Gautama
Buddha. For more details on dark age, metal age, dharma, righteousness
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