symbol for dead spirits

Symbol for Dead Spirits: Essay by Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993
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Symbol for Dead Spirits

The symbol for dead spirits is depicted as a butterfly as the soul atman that manifests the body after death of the body leaves it forever. Similar as no butterfly is attached to any flower or instrument... the soul atman within our body is also not attached to the body.

The death of the body announces a new cycle of life for the soul atman within. In its lifetime every soul atman manifests a total of 8.4 million bodies on the whole. In Hinduism after the death of the body it is burnt... never put in a coffin!

The prime reason for this is... after the death of the body the soul atman shall manifest a new body and the purpose of retaining the body in a coffin has no merit. Butterfly is symbolic of free life... as free as our soul atman!

Essay by: Vijay Kumar "Atma Jnani"

Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993 on Symbol for Dead Spirits. For more details on butterfly symbolic of free life visit - symbol for dead spirits. Send your query - click here Ref.

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  • Krishna godhead

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  • Sacred Hindu Text

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