there a God
Science does
not refuse to accept nor denies the presence of God... it simply
asks for proof which is never forthcoming! In the domain of God
it is absolute faith that is governing. As we cannot see the smell
of a flower yet feel its presence... we also feel the presence of
God Almighty by the minuscule God Almighty vibrating within every
living being as our soul atman (residing within our heart).
Science merely
does its job... it never contradicts principles of religion or spirituality!
In the domain of religion and spirituality... most doctrines and
principles do not carry proof! Primarily religion and spirituality
are beyond the purview of science. Religion and spirituality start
where science ends! Both science... Religion and spirituality have
different ends to meet!
and spirituality provide much needed food for our soul atman that lives in our
heart. To maintain our sanity... the moral and ethical standards of the society...
the presence of religion and spirituality is an essential must. In the physical
domain... for the body to flourish... for the human being to scale different frontiers
of life... presence of science is essential! Every
human being always lives two lives at the same moment. One is the life lived by
our soul atman within and the other by the physical manifested body we call human
being! religion and spirituality is meant for our soul atman within... science
for the physical manifested body... the human being! religion and spirituality
is diving into the bottomless pit of Wisdom gaining which one becomes a Mahavira,
Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ or prophet Mohammed in life! religion
and spirituality is related to the cosmic life cycle of 8.4 million manifestations
(an earthly abode of 96.4 million years). On the contrary Science helps one live
to its full capability and capacity... a span of 70 to 80 years of physical manifested
life! Going to a temple, church or a mosque indicates our belief in soul atman
and God Almighty. Graduation becomes necessary to earn a livelihood for the family
and the self. Essay
by: Vijay
Kumar "Atma Jnani" Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized
God in 1993 explains more on Is there a God. For more details on science contradicts
disputes existence of god visit -
there a god. Send
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