in God
Trust in God
is a sure shot method for success in life! It does not necessarily
imply that atheists are not successful in life. Belief in God is
a matter of one's upbringing. If the family firmly believes in God...
the child's firm belief in God is a possibility. Why it is that
belief in God paves way for success in life. It is for the fundamental
reason that every human being primarily is a spiritual being.
We all have
a spark of divinity within... that resides in our heart as our soul
atman! It is this soul atman that is on its cosmic journey of 8.4
million manifestations (an earthly journey of 96.4 million years).
To remove the dross within... the soul atman manifests body after
another until it liberates itself finally from the cycle of birth
and death.
spark of divinity... the soul atman residing in our heart is the governor of all
things physical. While it may appear that fruits of karma performed belong to
us... the truth is exactly opposite! The fruits of all karma always belong to
the soul atman within. Having a trust in God means we have a trust in our real
self... our soul atman within. Absence
of trust in God Almighty indicates our negating the presence of a soul atman within
us. This it cannot be! It is the sweet small inner voice of our soul atman within
that always guides us on the right path. Devoid of trust in God... we are unable
to hear the sweet small inner voice of our soul atman. The wanton desires and
materialistic tendencies keep us away from indulgence in all things spiritual. We
must always remember that it is our soul atman within that has a definite goal
in life... reaching the 8.4 millionth manifestation at the earliest. It is only
then the soul atman within shall regain its lost pure pristine original form.
In the circumstances unless the body... the human form has an explicit trust in
the existence of God Almighty and the soul atman within... nothing worthwhile
can be accomplished in the physical manifested world. Essay
by: Vijay
Kumar "Atma Jnani" Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized
God in 1993 explains more on Trust in God. For more details on trust in god an
absolute must visit -
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