and Buddhism comparison
Looking at the
chronology of events in religion and spirituality... we find Lord
Krishna... an Avatar of his era (God manifest in human form) came
about 3600 years before. About thousand years later followed Mahavira...
the 24th Tirthankara (preceptor) of Jainism. About 77 years later
followed Gautama Buddha... a contemporary of Mahavira.
About 423 years
later followed Jesus Christ and few centuries later prophet Mohammed.
The first in the series was Lord Krishna... who gave to mankind
the doctrine of Bhagavad Gita... the foremost of all Scriptural
texts available world over... particularly Hinduism.
The concepts
of Jainism in terms of the present materialistic age are rigid...
the prime reason it has a lower following. On the contrary Buddhism
developed on a larger scale as it is more flexible. It is easier
to follow Buddhism than Jainism in present life. It is a different
matter that the teachings of Jainism are much ahead than of Buddhism.
Vedas... the
first words of God... direct dictation of God belong to Hinduism.
These are considered revelations directly from God. All the four
Vedas... the Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda and Atharva Veda were
voluminous in nature. Came Lord Krishna and precipitated the wisdom
of the Vedas to Vedanta (end of the Vedas... also termed the Sacred
Bhagavad Gita).
The teachings
of the Sacred Bhagavad Gita are foremost in any religion. Fathoming
the depth of wisdom contained in the Sacred Bhagavad Gita... Mahavira,
Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammed gained enlightenment
(kaivalya jnana) in their lifetime... and finally salvation (moksha).
Apart from the
Vedas and Bhagavad Gita of Hinduism... there is a collection of
Upanishads (individual treatises) by the saints and sages of that
era. Most of the Upanishads have no parallel in mankind. The knower
of Bhagavad Gita... finally becomes the knower of all... gains omniscience
and enters the abode of God... the kingdom of God (aka Vaikuntha
in Hinduism).
The teachings
of Hinduism are primary... the base of religion and spirituality!
Followed Hinduism the teachings of Mahavira and then precepts of
Buddhism! Both Christianity and Islamic Dharma followed centuries
by: Vijay
Kumar "Atma Jnani"
Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993 on Hinduism and Buddhism
comparison. For more details on hinduism gods and goddesses visit
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and buddhism comparison. Send
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