Hinduism Untouchability
was practiced long ago in India. Those were the time of the Vedas. Pundits and
Acharyas never allowed people from the Shudra community (those destined to menial
jobs) to wander near the temples.
They were even
prohibited to draw water from the same wells. The pundits and Acharyas
considered it their sole right to know the inner depths of the wisdom.
They prohibited the Shudra to gain the wisdom by any means.
Such practices
were in vogue all over India. This led to occasional rifts between
the Brahmins and the Shudra community. With the advent of Mahatma
Gandhi on the scene... Untouchability was practically done away
Gandhi declared that all human beings were born equal. None was inferior to the
other. Every human being had the right to the wisdom of God. He
declared untouchables as children of God (pronounced Harijan in Hinduism).
Times change...
and so changed the manifest
destiny of the Shudra community. In the present times... the
Kali Yuga phase of life we are passing through (the metal age)...
it is the time of the Shudra.
every nook and corner of India... the Shudra are dominating even the Brahmins.
Reservation in most forums for the backward communities is on the rise. Whatever
torment the Shudra community were subjected to in the past... they are treating
the Brahmins in the same manner now. Essay
by: Vijay
Kumar "Atma Jnani"
Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993 explains more on
Untouchability Hinduism. For more details on becoming
immortal visit -
hinduism. Send
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