of Resurrection
(became immortal)
The concept
of the resurrection as brought out in Christianity is flawed. None
can rise from the dead. It simply cannot be. Not even man gods can
accomplish such a feat. The followers of Jesus Christ manipulated
the whole theory for impacting the commoners.
In truth it
is our soul atman... the spirit within that is the absolute master
and controller of the body and not vice versa. It is not within
the capability of the human body to manifest a soul atman. Once
our soul atman leaves the body... it can never be made to reenter
the body!
Every soul atman
after the death of body simply manifests a new form and starts a
new journey of life. After the death of the body it simply decays
and dies. Bhagavad Gita of Hinduism... the foremost of all scriptures
existing on Mother Earth is absolutely clear on this point.
belongs to our soul atman and not the human form... the human body!
None can go to heaven bodily. Heaven exists in the center of sun
where temperatures exceed millions of degrees centigrade. In the
circumstance do we still think human beings can enter heaven bodily?
Why does Christianity
fear coming of Antichrist? It is for prime reason that Antichrist
would unveil to world the flaws in most concepts of Christianity.
our soul atman the spirit within soul atman is indestructible and immortal. The moment human
beings gained enlightenment (kaivalya jnana)... one became immortal.
Devoid of all
karma our soul atman regained its original pure prime pristine primordial
form. This is the stage of immortality when the need to manifest
a body further ceases to exist. our soul atman the spirit within soul atman liberates from the
cycle of birth and death forever.
Jesus Christ
during the missing days of Jesus gained his entire wisdom from the
Nalanda and Taxila universities of India.
by: Vijay
Kumar "Atma Jnani"
Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993 on Concept of Resurrection.
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