of Karma
God Almighty
is not the form of human beings. God Almighty is a source of massive
celestial power... much beyond the comprehension of human beings!
God Almighty always acts as a Dhrista (onlooker) never interfering
with the creation of his. Ever since the creation of cosmos... karma
remains the governing factor of the cosmos.
It is through
the complex process of karma life moves from one manifestation to
another... from one body to next! After the death of the body based
on the residual balance of karma... our soul atman manifests another
body. If the residual balance of karma demands our soul atman manifesting
in the house of a cobbler... the soul atman simply cannot manifest
form of a prince.
Karma acts like
a massive supercomputer... the accountant general of the cosmos!
Every single action by every individual human being nay living being
on Mother Earth nay the whole cosmos gets recorded in the books
of karma. None can sway from the path of karma. Whatever our karma
of present moulds our future... the next course of life!
Every human
being is responsible for ones self. If we suffer in life... all
owes its existence to presence of negative residual balance of karma.
What if we have a positive residual balance of karma in our favor?
We shall continue experiencing happiness even though indulging in
vice. The moment positive karma negates... all hell breaks loose!
One essential
part of karma is... the fruits of karma do not become available
immediately. A part of karma termed Prarabdha karma in Hinduism
can fructify any given moment of life... now... in the immediate
future... or many manifestations henceforth! Intelligent as human
beings are... to stop human beings manipulating the karmic system...
God Almighty ordained such a scheme.
by: Vijay
Kumar "Atma Jnani"
Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993 explains more on
Balance of Karma. For more details on fruits of karma, prarabdha
karma, karmic system visit -
of karma. Send
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