of Karma
The system of
God does not function that way! God Almighty is not the form of
human beings... it is a source of colossal primordial energy...
much beyond comprehension of most human beings! Only when one gains
enlightenment (kaivalya jnana) does the entire picture of Cosmos
emerge before one... never before!
God Almighty...
the cluster of all purified souls atmans in the Cosmos at a given
point of time always acts as a Dhrista (onlooker) never interfering
with the creation of his! The doctrine of karma is the ultimate
master and controller of cosmic system... the accountant general
of entire Cosmos!
As we sow so
shall we reap nothing less or more says the law of karma! We cannot
expect mangoes to grow on a guava tree. As is our karma... accordingly
shall be the destiny! Still, human beings continue blaming God Almighty
for their woes! The crux of karma lay in the doctrine itself. At
no point of time the entire karma fructifies itself!
Whatever karma
we perform in present... the results of the same can fructify immediately,
few days after... few months after or even after few manifestations!
So that intelligent human beings do not manipulate the cosmic system
such a check valve was stipulated by God Almighty. Every human being
in present life knows of the karma performed.
But what of
karma performed in previous manifestations... that has yet to fructify!
If positive... one goes lucky all of a sudden! We can even win a
windfall lottery! What if the residual balance of karma was negative!
In the circumstances one suffers at the hand of fate due to karma
that was not enacted in present life.
To get out of
the clutches of negative karma... it is imperative for human beings
to indulge in positive karma... good karma... Punya karma all the
time! Only then one neutralizes effects of bad karma from previous
manifestations. The moment all negative karma neutralizes... it
is experiencing happiness throughout in future!
The ingredient
of karma that does not precipitate immediately is known as Prarabdha
karma in Hinduism. The mantra for cutting across Prarabdha karma
is not known to anybody. Only when shackles of Prarabdha karma are
cut permanently... does one enjoy life as it was meant to be! In
life... there is no such thing as luck!
Those experiencing
luck are simply experiencing fruits of positive karma enacted in
previous manifestations!
by: Vijay
Kumar "Atma Jnani"
Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993 explains more on
Law of Karma. For more details on doctrine of karma, controller
of cosmic system visit -
of karma. Send
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