Doctrine of Karma
The concept
of karma... the doctrine of karma does not work that way! Similar
as the functioning of an accountant for an entrepreneur... karma
works for the mankind... the cosmic system! The entire record keeping
of the cosmos is done through the complex workings of karma. At
no moment of time do we ever suffer or experience happiness at the
hands of others.
At any given
moment of time... every single individual human being is responsible
for ones karma. Still, mankind keeps blaming God Almighty all the
time. As is our karma of present life... accordingly shall be next
manifestation after death of the body. If the residual balance of
karma demands our soul atman manifesting in a cobblers house...
we simply cannot be born a Prince.
If we desire
donning the garb of a Prince in next manifestation... we need to
enact our karma accordingly in present manifestation! We simply
cannot expect mangoes to grow on a guava tree! The doctrine of karma
says... as we sow so shall we reap nothing less or more! In the
house of God Almighty... the cosmic system there are no free lunches.
Many human beings
in life discard God as their prayers are never heard. And why should
God listen to their one-sided prayers? Unless we offer something
to God in return... our prayers would never be heard by God Almighty!
The mode of prayers is never one way... the prime reason why people
in high seats of success always place needs of community before
If you suffer
at the hands of someone in present life... it is quite possible
she is returning the karma experienced in one of earlier manifestations.
It is possible she suffered at your hands in past life. As per Bhagavad
Gita... the foremost of all sacred scriptures existing on Mother
Earth... to come out of clutches of karma of past life... indulgence
in positive karma is the only solution!
That is how
we negate the negative residual balance of karma from previous manifestations!
The prime reason why some people even though remaining good in present
life suffer and others indulging in vice all the time experience
happiness! They have a lot of residual balance of positive karma
from previous manifestations! They might even win a lottery all
of sudden!
Rest assured...
if someone is indulging in bad karma in present life... it shall
get equated at the opportune moment! We need not worry about the
hardships experienced by others... there is always a right time
for everything. Karma takes care of all... every single action performed
by one!
by: Vijay
Kumar "Atma Jnani"
Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993 explains more on
The Doctrine of Karma. For more details on karma of past life, indulgence
in positive karma visit -
doctrine of karma. Send
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