- Full
Awakening of the Kundalini
full awakening of the Kundalini... practice of absolute
celibacy for minimum 12 years is necessitated! Those serious
seekers of spirituality who cannot sustain abstinence from
sexual relationship for such a long period of time must
stop further. Those in the family fold must limit their
sexual indulgence to a maximum of two per month... one is
- Awakening
of the Kundalini
our sexual energies in continuation for a minimum period
of 12 years... by practicing absolute celibacy... human
beings awaken their dormant lying Kundalini Shakti. The
awakening of the Kundalini becomes possible only by practicing
absolute celibacy for 12 years in continuation... there
is no other remedy or shortcut on the spiritual path.
- Kundalini
Kundalini Shakti... the Kundalini energy that exists in
human beings directly relates to practice of celibacy! Practicing
absolute celibacy for a minimum period of 12 years in continuation
human beings reached the stage of enlightenment (kaivalya
jnana) and finally salvation (moksha). Full awakening of
the Kundalini is essence of life.
- Kundalini
serpents coiled around the neck of Lord Shiva denote that
Kundalini Shakti... the dormant lying Kundalini energy is
the most potent of all energies available to human being.
The moment this dormant Kundalini energy lying in the base
of the spine is fully activated... one reaches the stage
of enlightenment (kaivalya jnana) and finally salvation
- Define
announces the end of all. Having gained enlightenment (kaivalya jnana)... one
reaches the stage of Mahavira, Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ or Prophet Mohammed!
Gaining enlightenment is the end crux of cosmic life! Beyond enlightenment there
remains nothing on Mother Earth. One finally gains salvation (moksha)... the end
of all