kundalini awakening

Kundalini Awakening: Essay by Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993
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Kundalini Awakening definition and the path

Kundalini Awakening - the sure shot method for awakening of the kundalini.

Before we discuss about kundalini awakening... we need to understand the meaning of kundalini! The kundalini Shakti is that hidden positive energy stored in every human being by awakening which every human being reaches the level of Mahavira, Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammed.

The awakening of the kundalini is possible by practicing the right Yoga and Meditation. In the normal circumstances the awakening of the kundalini is supposed to happen within a period of 1.1 million manifestations in form of a human being. A serious seeker of spirituality always desires Kundalini awakening at the earliest. Why?

Every true seeker of spirituality understands that unless the kundalini awakening occurs... one shall not be able to reach the level of Nirvikalpa Samadhi and the stage of self realization. Kundalini awakening is a hundred percent must before one can gain enlightenment in this life.

Apart from practicing the Shavasana pose in Yoga and also Neti as advocated by Maharishi Ramana... one needs to practice absolute celibacy for the kundalini awakening to occur.

Kundalini awakening is not something which can be taught in form of books... it only comes from experience. As we proceed on the path of pure spirituality while practicing absolute celibacy Brahmacharya vrata and Meditation... we shall find one-day that our kundalini awakening has occurred.

Kundalini energy stored within our spine slowly recoils itself. It is as if God is directly lifting us straight up for us to realize God with a short period of time. It is a very noble experience for every true seeker of spirituality.

For the kundalini awakening to occur... we need to preserve the monthly quota of energy given to every man and woman. We just cannot let this energy find pure physical channels of pleasure.

The path of kundalini awakening shall become clear from the following example-

In the normal routine if we are required to take 11 million steps up the ladder of spirituality... then it is also possible that we take the elevator straight up and cut short the path.

This elevator... the shortcut is the path of the kundalini which can be awakened by preserving the cosmic energy provided to every human being every month. As the stored energy increases... so does the journey expedite?

Every true seeker of spirituality has to one-day switchover to the recourse of kundalini awakening for the normal path may take millions of manifestations... a long journey indeed!

As the kundalini Shakti raises from the base of the spine towards the centre of the forehead... one shall experience very fearful flashes. It is really frightening sometimes for the kundalini awakening is accompanied by the shadow of a mammoth king cobra with many heads glaring at you from a short distance.

The coiled Serpentine kundalini Shakti has been compared to the power which one experiences while watching a coiled snake coming out of slumber. It is too frightening an experience and many seekers of spirituality leave their journey midway.

The coiled Serpentine energy known as kundalini Shakti is not to be feared of. We have to under all circumstances look at the face of the cobra with a feeling that we have to overcome the fear imbibed within us. Fearing the coiled kundalini Shakti shall be of no help.

The practice of absolute celibacy brings about a radical change in the personality of a serious seeker of spirituality. As we conqueror the coiled kundalini Shakti... we shall find an enormous glow on our forehead visible to the mankind.

The glow on the forehead of any human being directly represents the inner thinking process of any human being. More the glow... the higher the human being is supposed to be on the spiritual pedestal.

We may indulge in kundalini awakening right now or in subsequent manifestations... there is absolutely no escape. We have to indulge in kundalini awakening in one of the manifestations so that our soul (Atman within our body) regains its pristine pure from at the earliest and liberates forever from the cycle of birth and death.

In the last 150 years two persons have very successfully awakened their kundalini and realized god. Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa and Maharishi Ramana while proceeding on the path of pure spirituality in search of God had their kundalini awakened fully. It was only after their kundalini had awakened were they able to reach the stage of Nirvikalpa Samadhi.

Every true seeker of spirituality understands the importance of kundalini awakening. If we are to realize God within our lifetime... we have to awaken our kundalini fully in the present life. Unless we take the lift straight up... we shall not reach the level of an awakened one... a living Buddha!

Kundalini awakening... however fearful it may seem to be... is representative of the positive powers of the cosmos overtaking the Satanic powers forever. Every God realized soul reaches the level of a Mahavira, Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ or Prophet Mohammed only after having conquered the negative forces for ever by awakening of the kundalini.

Kundalini awakening is better possible in a Man... The prime reason why in the whole history of mankind only two ladies had their kundalini awakened fully... Gargi, the bachelor philosopher and Maitreyi... the famous wife of Sage Yajnavalkya!

Gargi was that special lady who having awakened her kundalini indulged herself in the famous dialogues with Pundit Mandan Mishra on the topic of sex. Gargi finally defeated Pundit Mandan Mishra for she was a truly God realized soul. Pundit Mandan Mishra had yet to awaken his kundalini.

Sage Yajnavalkya was that dominant force in the times of king Janaka that even before the contest amongst 10,000 pundits and sages gathered on stage had begun... Sage Yajnavalkya ordered the prize money to be taken home. Sage Yajnavalkya was a truly God realized soul. His kundalini had awakened fully and he knew that none in the assembly had reached his level of spiritual attainment.

Kundalini Awakening: a must if we are to realize god within our lifetime!

Maitreyi... his dutiful wife was never after the mundane affairs of life... she yearned for gaining self realization within her lifetime. She knew well that her husband could impart her pearls of wisdom gaining which she could get her kundalini awakened and finally reach the stage of enlightenment.

The Gargi and the Maitreyi colleges in New Delhi, India are reminiscent of those enlightening times in the history of mankind which remind us that kundalini awakening is also possible for a woman.

Summing up I need to emphasize the fact that the precious semen is required to be stored if we truly desire Kundalini awakening at the earliest. It is only when the stored semen rises through the spine to the level of the centre of the forehead... shall we gain enlightenment within this life.

Essay by: Vijay Kumar "Atma Jnani"

Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993 explains the concept of Kundalini Awakening. For more on kundalini shakti visit -
kundalini awakening. Send your query - click here Ref. 050905

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