in Life
Successful people
always focus on both... the goal and the journey of life! If we
minutely observe the career graph of successful people we shall
find that a goal in life plays equally important role as the journey
of life! Having a goal in life is journey half covered. Rest is
all hard work, truthfulness, bulldog determination and willpower
to win the end!
Most human beings
feel disheartened and leave the journey of life midway when the
engine of their life reaches 98°C. We all know steam generates
at hundred degrees centigrade. What if they had the willpower to
travel the extra mile... the leftover 2°C? When I was 11 years
of age I had a desire to see and meet God in this very life.
By 13 years
of age... my desire turned into conviction! No matter what... comes
whatever may... I shall see and meet God in this very life! Who
knows what I shall be in the next manifestation... things simply
cannot be left to chance! By 15 years of age I gave notice to my
mother that if necessary I would leave the confines of the family
for meditating in the confines of deep dense jungles (forests).
finalized my life goal early in life had its merits! I have come across people
who even at 60 years of age spoke of traveling the spiritual path but neither
have neither the willpower nor the inclination to start the journey! At 60 years
of age their plea is... I have to take care of my grandchildren and only after
that I can proceed on the spiritual journey. Can anyone asks these poor people...
what they feel they can accomplish at 80 years of age! Such
people are slaves of their habits. They neither have the inclination, the bent
of mind nor the willpower required to travel the uncharted path of spirituality!
Traveling the spiritual path is not easy. Mahavira, Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ
and Prophet Mohammed... all traveled the spiritual path and gained enlightenment
(kaivalya jnana) and finally salvation (moksha) in their lifetime! How many Mahaviras
and Gautama Buddhas do we come across in daily life! 25
years of patient practice of yoga and meditation and lo, I came face-to-face with
God Almighty on one-to-one basis! On the 3rd of August, 1993 I finally realized
God! I can now commune with God any moment of my life on a permanent basis! It
is an experience that can never be expressed in words. Having reached the Mount
Everest of spiritual life... I shall but go to the kingdom of God (aka Vaikuntha
in Hinduism) the moment I leave my mortal frame! Essay
by: Vijay
Kumar "Atma Jnani" Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized
God in 1993 explains more on Goal in Life. For more details on destination or
the journey what is important visit -
in life. Send
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