from Life
The foremost
of all things that I have learnt in life is gaining enlightenment
(kaivalya jnana) and salvation (moksha) at the earliest. Why? We
do not know what we shall be in the next manifestation... also we
have only one life to live! Why not live it to its best! Gaining
enlightenment and salvation is the end goal of every soul atman
The body...
the body of every living being including human beings only does
the bidding of the soul atman within. our soul atman the spirit within soul atman is the absolute
master and controller of the body at all times. It is our soul atman
that has manifested the body to work out its karma... remove the
impurities... the dross within!
Similar as the
metal within an ore cannot separate itself on its own... the impure
soul atman also requires the body to eradicate the impurities within!
Ever since the big bang occurred and every soul atman started its
cosmic journey... the goal of cosmic life remains gaining liberation
from the cycle of birth and death forever.
human beings gain enlightenment and salvation... the soul atman regains its original
pure pristine form! The liberated soul atman finally enters the domain of God...
the abode of God... the kingdom of God (aka Vaikuntha in Hinduism). The kingdom
of God is point of no return... every liberated soul atman can never manifest
a form... a body again! I
started in search of God when 11 years of age. By 13 my desire turned into firm
conviction... come whatever may in this very life I shall not only find God but
remain in communion with God all the time! At 37 years of age I finally realized
God. Having reached the stage of Nirvikalpa Samadhi... I can commune with God
every moment of life on one-to-one basis! Having
reached the Mount Everest of spiritual pursuit... I have nothing more but to disseminate
the wisdom gained by traveling the spiritual path! Ever since 1993 through the
medium of Internet I have been doing that. In the last about 14 years I have spent
about $100,000 for the welfare of mankind. God Almighty has been very kind to
me. Essay
by: Vijay
Kumar "Atma Jnani" Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized
God in 1993 explains more on Lessons from Life. For more details on life visit
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