in Life
When everything
in life seems to fail... when we have already eaten hell for breakfast
numerous times... when everything seems lost... when it is life
almost turned upside down... it is then most human beings on Mother
Earth remember God Almighty. In times of happiness... when everything
seems okay... none wants to remember God! Why?
We seek solace
from God only in times of need. What if God Almighty also does not
favor us with his grace! In the circumstances... whom do we turn
to! Yes... there is a hidden factor in the cosmic system that we
can always turn to... the sweet small inner voice of our soul atman
within! The voice of our soul atman within can be distinctly heard
by one traveling the spiritual path.
By following
the path of absolute truthfulness most human beings in life distinctly
hear the sweet small inner voice of our soul atman that seems to
come from within our heart. The sweet small inner voice of our soul
atman always guides us on the right path. It is in times of need
when we feel absolutely lonely... the soothing voice provides the
required solace!
is our soul atman that is the prime master and controller of the body. It is our
soul atman that has manifested the body to work out its karma... eradicate the
impurities within! It is truly our soul atman within that guides the human form
when darkness engulfs us totally. Only when wanton desires and greed for materialistic
riches take control of us... all seems lost! Whenever
the ego of a human being becomes more dominating than the dictates of our soul
atman within... life seems to lose its meaning... we start fearing the hidden
factors of the Cosmos! It is at this moment one must subdue ego and try listening
to the voice of our soul atman within by being truthful in life! It
is only truthfulness that paves way for facing all obstacles in life. The sheer
grit... the willpower that seems to come from within becomes available to one
only when we travel the path of absolute truthfulness... never otherwise! Bogged
down by the dictates of ego... human beings start cursing God for the karma performed
by them. As per
the doctrine of karma we only reap what we sow... Nothing more or less! Why blame
God for the karma performed by self. As is the residual balance of karma... so
shall be our future! In the domain of God there are no free lunches nor is the
system of God disordered at any stage as has been apprehended by Stephen Hawking
in his famous book, "a brief history of time". Essay
by: Vijay
Kumar "Atma Jnani" Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized
God in 1993 explains more on Loneliness in Life. For more details on depravation
in life visit - loneliness
in life. Send
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