content in Life
Real contentment
comes from within. Whenever the goal of a human being prompted by
our ego matches the goal of our soul atman within... we feel contented!
In case they do not match... we feel disgruntled and out of harmony
from within. How do we know the goal of our soul atman within? Is
it possible to hear the sweet small inner voice of our soul atman
that resides within our heart?
Real contentment
follows when we choose a goal in life that corresponds dearly to
our heart. Choosing a goal in life... a profession that is dear
to our heart is the essence of life. It is then we forget the bondage
of time and life itself. Lucky are those who follow the dictates
of dreams of their calling. Every successful entrepreneur does this.
Behind every success, every contentment lay the seed of choosing
a perfect goal in life dear to our heart.
99% people world over never form a goal in life. They let their life pass! Yet,
they desire contentment at each and every stage of life. Is that possible! Choosing
a perfect goal life is journey half completed. In the initial stages of life we
must search within what is dear to our heart. Even as a child we can do this if
we really try hard. Having
entered an educational career of our choice... we settle in a profession of our
choice. When comes the time to choose a soul mate dear to our heart... We settle
down in family life. Life moves on. By doing so we never have any regrets in life
later! No doubt every human being faces many pitfalls in life at each and every
stage. How many times I ate the hell for breakfast... I do not remember! I
had a desire to meet God in this very life. By 13 years of age my desire had turned
into conviction. By 15 years of age I gave notice to all... come whatever may
I shall face God Almighty in this very life. 25 years ahead... at 37 years of
age I finally came face-to-face with God on one-to-one basis. I had realized God.
I was one with God. I had completed my cosmic journey. I reached the end goal
of my life as I indulged in something dear to my heart. May
god bless us! Essay
by: Vijay
Kumar "Atma Jnani" Vijay
Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993 explains the concept and meaning of
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