give charity

Give Charity: Essay by Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993
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Give Charity

Charity (aka Daan in Hinduism) as practiced today is not what it is supposed to be! Most human beings distort the meaning of charity Daan. In Hinduism right charity is one... the giver of which always remains unknown. It has been rightly said that if the right hand gives charity... the left must always remain unaware! Charity never demands advertising!

I distinctly remember attending world philosophers' conference in 1997 at Pune. It was there I came to know that institutions world over had so much faith in Mr. Claes Nobel, the nephew of Alfred Nobel... the man who instituted the Noble prize... almost hundred million dollars was pledged with Mr. Nobel for the sake of charity to the needy.

I wanted to know the means to the fund. One of the fund managers pointed out that 30% amount went to the kitty of the managers... is that charity what we really practice in life! It is putting the whole institution to shame. Charity always is a one-sided affair! Name and fame carry no meaning in the field of charity! There are many who donate in charities with the condition that their name would never be divulged to anybody.

Charity is what is practiced by John Templeton foundation. They donate for a cause... the welfare of the community and mankind is above all. They guidelines for all donations are clear and fixed. Their charities truly are benevolent and for the benefit of mankind! There is no room for misconceptions or misgivings! They mean... what they say!

On the contrary Bill & Melinda Gates foundation does charity for earning name and fame! They have clearly spelt out on their web site that no religious donations would ever be made. It is for the simple reason... they do not know whom to trust in the maze of so many religious trusts world over... agreed! What of the field of spirituality... the path of pure wisdom where I expect them to make sizeable contribution

By: Vijay Kumar "Atma Jnani"

Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993 explains the concept of Give Charity. For more on Give Charity visit -
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