of destiny
No doubt every
human being is the master of ones destiny but the question remains...
how many people take charge of their life and finally govern their
destiny? We are masters of our own actions and thoughts... but we
are also governed by the five senses that control human nature!
Only by taking control of the five senses and the mind can human
beings manifest destiny!
By establishing
control over five senses... every human being can control ones nature.
All enlightened beings did that. Mahavira, Gautama Buddha, Jesus
Christ and Prophet Mohammed before reaching the stage of enlightenment
(kaivalya jnana) exercised absolute control over the five senses
and the mind. Unless we establish absolute control over the five
senses... control on mind is never possible!
is the cosmic station from where flows every single thought that exists in the
Cosmos. Those with a sunny disposition and godly thinking invoke positive thoughts
all the time from the reservoir of mind plus. Those indulging in wanton desires
and materialistic riches invoke negative thoughts from the reservoir of mind minus. Every
second thousands of thoughts flow through our brain! If we desire to contain the
flow of thoughts that flow through our brain... we need to establish control over
mind power... the reservoir of thoughts from where emanate all thoughts! The moment
we still the flow of thoughts to our brain... we experience the stage of nothingness...
the stage of Nirvikalpa Samadhi in Hinduism. By:
Kumar "Atma Jnani" Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized
God in 1993 explains the concept of Master of destiny. For more on Master of destiny
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