and Reincarnation
(is there life after death)
The definition
of reincarnation as detailed in various dictionaries and encyclopedias
is flawed. our soul atman the spirit within soul atman being indestructible... how can it take
rebirth in new body? Reincarnation simply proves that our soul atman...
the spirit within is the absolute master and controller of the body
and not vice versa.
our soul atman the spirit within soul atman...
the spirit within manifests the human form to work out its karma...
remove the dross impurities within. Ever since our soul atman started
its cosmic journey... it was mired in impurities similar as one
KG of gold embedded in hundred KG of gold ore. Of its own no soul
atman can purify itself... it needs a body to work out its karma!
Out of 8.4 million
manifestations on the whole... the initial 7.3 million manifestations
by our soul atman are in insect, plant and animal life! The remaining
1.1 million manifestations are in human form. No two manifestations
in the cosmos are directly connected... the prime reason why we
do not remember happenings of the past manifestation... the immediate
past life!
What if we come
to know our best friend in present life was cause of our death in
previous manifestation? As per the karmic theory... life rotates
full circle! Every human being we come across in present life is
connected to us karmically. Until the last trace of karmic bond
remains between two human beings... relationships keep forming!
The karmic bond
breaks the moment one gained enlightenment (kaivalya jnana)... never
before! Gaining enlightenment is the end goal of human life... the
primary goal of all manifestations. Bhagavad Gita... the most sacred
Scripture of Hinduism on Mother Earth contains answers to every
single query existing within human beings.
The knower of
Bhagavad Gita after gaining enlightenment (kaivalya jnana)... reaches
the stage of salvation (moksha) forever. The knower of Bhagavad
Gita gains omniscience for all practical purposes. Every single
query on Mother Earth is answered by Bhagavad Gita... the doctrine
given to mankind by Lord Krishna!
by: Vijay
Kumar "Atma Jnani"
Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993 explains Death and Reincarnation.
For more details on reincarnation and the law of karma, what religions
believed in reincarnation visit - death
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