Am I
The answer is
simple. I am a soul (termed atman in Hinduism) on its cosmic journey
of 1.1 million manifestations. During this period... the journey
of 12.4 million earthly years, I am supposed to reach the stage
of enlightenment (kaivalya jnana). Mahavira, Gautama Buddha, Jesus
Christ and Prophet Mohammed... all gained enlightenment in their
Right from the
first manifestation to the last... the effort of me as a soul atman
always remains, reaching the end of cosmic life... the 8.4 millionth
manifestation at the earliest! The moment human beings reached the
stage of enlightenment... all is over for me as a soul atman. After
gaining salvation (moksha) I shall enter the kingdom of God (aka
Vaikuntha in Hinduism).
Out of 8.4 million
manifestations on the whole... the initial 7.3 million manifestations
taken by me were in insect, plant and animal life. In the human
form I have been ordained a journey of 1.1 million manifestations...
an earthly life cycle of 12.4 million years! From the first manifestation
as an amoeba (single cell formation) the crux of life remains...
reaching the 8.4 millionth manifestation at the earliest!
The journey
in the human form is the most pleasant experience for me (as a soul
atman) for it is only in the human form I shall reach the end goal
of cosmic life... the 8.4 millionth manifestation! The spiritual
wisdom is gained by assimilating the pearls of wisdom contained
in the sacred Bhagavad Gita of Hinduism... the foremost of all sacred
scriptures on Mother Earth!
by: Vijay
Kumar "Atma Jnani"
Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993 explains more on
Who Am I. For more details on soul atman, first manifestation, amoeba,
single cell formation visit -
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