to equate or not to equate

To equate or not to equate: Essay by Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993
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To equate or not to equate

Indians, the born Spiritual masters of the World since the time of the Vedas need not look forward to the source of all Jnana and wisdom. They are what they are. The Sun does not seek light from the Moon or the stars. It is the source of its own light.

The prime reason ... First came the Vedas (the words of God), followed by Lord Krishna with his Song Supreme, the Eternal doctrine of Bhagavad Gita. Along with developed many chains of thoughts culminating into the various Upanishads. As time passed by came Mahavira, followed by Buddha, Jesus Christ and finally Prophet Mohammed.

Mahavira gave the community his Teachings of Ahimsa and Syadvad (Anekantvad), Buddha -- the middle path. Jesus Christ became the apostle of love, Prophet Mohammed spread the Teachings of Koran. They all had one thing in common ... All were true sons of God sent on Mother Earth to take care of his children.

Unparalleled are the systems of God. None can replicate it.

Since Vedas, all doctrines of Hinduism have withstood the test of time. How can then the Egyptians or any other race that withered with time could have given us Jnana (the Eternal wisdom). Ignorant philosophers, Scholars and Acharyas have interpreted doctrines based on their individual intellect.

How can one who is not yet God Realized know thy path! Mere guess work or inferences can never make your efforts pay. Being truthful alone can you hope to arrive at what is pre-destined and Eternal! You only have to discover or unveil the Cosmic truth!!

The mental slavery, the clout, how shall we ever come out of it. How long shall we continue to pursue goals based on the Doctrines of extinct civilizations? "Survival of the fittest" says the theory of Evolution of Charles Darwin ... Are not Indians, the Spiritual masters of the World!

Lord Krishna, Mahavira, Buddha, Christ, Prophet Mohammed and Adi Shankaracharya may have come and gone but India still remains the perennial source of all that is Spiritual.

All Gods equal? End of the spiritual journey...same for all gods!

In a Yuga, Spiritual preceptors are born one at a time. Had there been 50 Mahaviras at a time, how would a common man have known, whom to follow! It is the onus on the Spiritual leader to guide the Humanity and take the system to its cosmological end. Bereft of other options, what is left to question!

What a noble and stable system built by God. None can question his authority!

Essay by: Vijay Kumar "Atma Jnani"

Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993 on To equate or not to equate. For more details on vijay kumar visit - to equate or not to equate. Send your query - click here Ref. 980811

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