
Satyagraha: Article by Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993
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Satyagraha is living life following the path of absolute truthfulness... Satya ka agraha which literally means in Hindi... following the path of truthfulness (Satya means truth).

In a dishonest world... to think spending a lifetime living the path of absolute truthfulness is beyond comprehension. It is not only difficult but incomprehensible. Mahatma Gandhi tried it... he was successful in implementation of Satyagraha.

He had a very big objective behind him... Freedom of a big democratic setup like India! He was willing to pay any price for that... his Satyagraha finally made the British quit India.

In day-to-day affairs of life practice of Satyagraha is not necessary. It is only when following the spiritual path... one need to follow absolute truthfulness. When I started in search of God at 13 years of age... my conviction of following the path of Satyagraha was hundred percent. There were no excuses to be made. No exceptions whatsoever were permitted.

It was only later in life I learnt that I had chosen the right path. Following the path of truthfulness for a serious seeker of spirituality is an essential must... without which nothing much can be accomplished in the spiritual world.

Rather... truthfulness is the first ingredient on the spiritual path that needs to be mastered. The path of absolute truthfulness can only be followed by one who believes in God and his creation. Absolute faith in Almighty God is an essential must.

Essay by: Vijay Kumar "Atma Jnani"

Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993 explains more on Satyagraha. For more details on path of truthfulness visit -
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  • Satyagraha

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  • Dishonesty

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