hindu god rama

Hindu God Rama: Essay by Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993
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What does God Rama represent in the Hindu religion
(philosophy meaning of Life)

What does God Rama represent in the Hindu religion? Bhagwan Rama was the son of King Dasharatha. He was the epitome of the physical manifested Life. He was the one and only one of his kinds in the history of mankind. In Hinduism he is considered the epitome of the physical form of Life. There is nothing beyond the status of Bhagwan Rama that is required to be accomplished in form of a Human Being.

Bhagwan Rama reached the epitome of whatever a Human Being can achieve in his Lifetime ever. There is nothing to be achieved beyond what Bhagwan Rama achieved in his Lifetime. The prime reason why Bhagwan Rama is also known as Maryada Purshottam Rama! Signifying that Bhagwan Rama reached the highest portals of physical manifested Life as a Human Being.

Anything above the level of Bhagwan Rama is delving into the domains of Lord Krishna. Lord Krisna is considered an Avatar (direct incarnation of God, the Almighty Creator) in Hinduism. Lord Krishna in his doctrine of Bhagavad Gita preaches to the mankind the wisdom of the inner self, our Atman the soul within.

If we are to know anything related to our soul the atman within we need to study Bhagavad Gita... the doctrine dictated by Lord Krishna in the battlefield of Kurukshetra between Pandavas and Kauravas.

To live and reach the highest in the physical manifest form one should follow the teachings of Bhagwan Rama. But to understand the cosmic wisdom of the inner self, our atman the soul within we need to study the Bhagavad Gita.

In a nutshell, the present Life of 70 to 80 years can be at the most governed by the Teachings of Bhagwan Rama and that is Ramayana. All the Teachings of Bhagwan Rama are contained in Ramayana. Ramayana is the Bible of Teachings to be followed in day-to-day Life.

To understand and follow the intricacies of soul the atman within we need to understand Bhagavad Gita as dictated by Lord Krishna. This shall make us understand the logic of 8.4 Million manifestations every being is required to take in a cosmic Life cycle (the journey of 96.4 Million years in total). A long journey indeed!

Before we achieve the manifest stage of a Human Being every Human Being has already passed 7.3 Million lives... every Human Being initially started as an amoeba (single cell formation) the first stage in the cosmic Life cycle. As Life proceeds we evolve further into multi-cell formation, than an insect Life, next plant Life, then an animal and finally emerge as a Human Being.

God Rama: Who was the hindu god rama in Hindu religion!

To understand the cosmic system at large we need to understand whatever is contained in Bhagavad Gita... the doctrine dictated by Lord Krishna (the Avatar).

If we desire to reach the highest stage achievable by the form of a Human Being... we need to read Ramayana... the Teachings of Bhagwan Rama.

Essay by: Vijay Kumar "Atma Jnani"

Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993 on What does god Rama represent in the hindu religion. For more details on hindu god rama visit - what does god rama represent in the hindu religion. Send your query - click here Ref. 041025

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