and Pleasure Most
human beings never have an urge... a thirst for knowledge! We simply seek knowledge
to get ahead in life... to earn a living! Gaining knowledge is not an end in itself...
it is simply a means to an end! Knowledge helps one gain footing in the journey
of life! Mounted with proper knowledge one reaches the desired destination...
the goal of life! The
hunger for pleasure exists in human beings as an inbuilt feature destined by God
Almighty! Most human beings do not have control over carnal desires that leads
one towards pastures for bigger pleasure. Pleasure and happiness are two different
things! Happiness forms a crucial part of life! On the contrary pleasures are
ephemeral in nature. To
indulge in pleasure is the most deeply ingrained attribute of mankind and all
living beings. In absence of pleasure... the living form cannot survive for long!
Life would become so monotonous... that it dies natural death early! In order
for life to survive, God Almighty inbuilt in all living beings a longing for pleasure! Pleasure
is part of life of all human beings. Some live for the sake of pleasure... others
seek pleasure in the journey of life! One with a sunny disposition and godly thinking
always seeks pleasure as a part of life... never goes after it like a mad dog!
In the present materialistic trend humanity passes through... people seek pleasure
to satisfy carnal desires! The
thirst for knowledge exists in some! Most human beings pursue knowledge as means
to an end! To spend life happily... gaining knowledge is a must! To happily spend
the sojourn of 70 to 80 years in the life of human beings... gaining knowledge
is the only means to earn a livelihood and settle in life! In
absence of knowledge life becomes like a rudderless boat going round and round
in the ocean. Knowledge is never pursued as an end in itself! Knowledge has always
been perceived as means to fulfilling a goal in life. Having a burning goal is
the true essence of life. In absence of the goal... the quest for knowledge remains
dormant! The pleasures
in life can never be satisfied. Human beings want more and more. We do not kill
for the sake of food alone... we kill for the sake of pleasure! Devoid of humanity...
human beings sometimes behave worse than animals! The wanton desires and greed
for materialistic riches makes one seek more and more! There
is never an end to pleasures in life. Pleasures must never become an end in itself.
The hope of fulfilling a dream makes us seek pleasures. Seeking pleasure is not
a sin. Overindulgence in pleasures is definitely a sin. Most successful people
in life balance between pleasure and work. They never outdo pleasures! Essay
by: Vijay
Kumar "Atma Jnani"
Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993 explains more on
Knowledge and Pleasure. For more details on wisdom knowledge or
pleasure what comes first visit -
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