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AIDS Symptoms

Are you a slave of your Destiny

A Tribute to God

Attachment Theory


Big Bang Theory

Chakravayuha of Life

Concept of Heaven

Criticism versus Limitations

Do Animals have a Soul

End of the World

Existence of God


God the Creator and Man Gods

Guidance of a Guru

Human Evolution

I Thought I was Poor

India a democracy or an authoritarian rule

Jainism a way of Life

JRD Tata

Karma Yogi

Knowing god

Kundalini Awakening

Letter to all mankind

Meeting Swamiji

Mind a Universal Phenomenon

Navkar Mantra in Jainism

Now or never

Past Life

Path of Shruti Jnana

Purpose of life




Self Realization

Shape of the World to come

Shruti Jnana

Silence the talk within

Spirituality and religion

Story of my personal experience - How I Realized God

Swarga naraka dharti

The Search for Truth

To be or not to be

To equate or not to equate

Three Spiritual guide posts

Truce with my Inner Self ... a must read

What is Enlightenment

What is the cause of Islamic Terror
What is the Meaning of Life

Define Sinner
Why God made this World

World War 3

Yoga and Meditation

Essays Spirituality Hinduism

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