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Parallel Universes: Essay by Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993
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Parallel Universes

No parallel universes exist in the Cosmos. In fact there never has been X dimension. We simply have one Cosmos... that contains many universes... one universe containing millions of galaxies... one galaxy containing millions of stars out of which our solar system... the sun is a small star!

The parables... fantasies all exist in movies and serials! The truth of the cosmic system is a unique concept. Bhagavad Gita... the most sacred scripture of Hinduism available on Mother Earth very clearly describes the complete cosmic system.

Bhagavad Gita is one document that contains A-Z of human life. Knowing Bhagavad Gita... there is nothing else in the Cosmos worth knowing! The knower of Bhagavad Gita ultimately gains enlightenment (kaivalya jnana) and finally salvation (moksha).

Every new Cosmos comes into being after the occurrence of big bang. And why does the big bang occur? When the dissolution of the old cosmos takes place... all souls' atmans in the entire Cosmos reach the last leg of cosmic life... the 8.4 millionth manifestation! Practically every living form reaches the stage of human beings and finally gains enlightenment and salvation.

The complete dross in the whole Cosmos removed... the size of entire Cosmos reduces to the size of half a thumb. This half a thumb is the cluster of all purified souls atmans in the Cosmos at a given point of time.

This collective power... pure primordial energy is what we know as God Almighty. This unimaginable power contained in such a small volume unable to retain itself for long... explodes with a big bang! And starts a new Cosmos... a new cosmic life cycle!

All the purified souls hurtle through the Cosmos at unimaginable speeds. In the journey they gather moss. To cleanse themselves of the impurities contained within these souls' atmans shall manifest a cycle of 8.4 million manifestations... an earthly life cycle of 96.4 million years before they regain their original pure pristine form.

In the process these souls atmans initially manifest the form of an amoeba (single cell formation)... the first manifestation in the cosmic life cycle! Subsequently they evolve into multi-cell formation, then insect life, plant life and animal life. By the time the soul atman manifests the form of a human being... it has already crossed 7.3 million manifestations. In the human form alone we have 1.1 million manifestations (and an earthly journey of 12.1 million years).

This journey of 12.1 million years is meant for the human beings to gain enlightenment and salvation. Does it mean gaining enlightenment and salvation is that complex... yes, the truth is so! Having gained salvation... the liberated soul atman finally leaves for the kingdom of God (aka Vaikuntha in Hinduism)... a point of no return!

Essay by: Vijay Kumar "Atma Jnani"

Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993 explains more on Parallel Universes. For more details on X dimension visit -
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