Brahman is that
reality of Hinduism one encounters while indulging in tattva jnana!
Proceeding on the path of absolutely reality... the one and only
God Almighty (also termed Brahman, Parmatman, Karta, Sanatana Purusha)...
human beings finally reach the end of spirituality! The seekers
of the spiritual path ultimately realize Brahman... gain enlightenment
(kaivalya jnana).
The moment an
independent soul atman regains its original lost pure pristine form...
it merges with the supreme self... God Almighty himself... similar
as a child assembles a disorganized puzzle. One by one the child
places the pieces of a puzzle in its place. In the end... the puzzle
finally completes... it is time for dissolution of the Cosmos (termed
Pralaya in Hinduism)!
Brahman is not
to be equated with man gods like Mahavira, Gautama Buddha, Jesus
Christ or Prophet Mohammed. Brahman can also not be equated with
an Avatar (god manifest in human form) like Lord Krishna. Brahman
is neither a concept... it is in fact whole truth of life... the
only truth of life. Apart from Brahman nothing else exists in the
whole of Cosmos.
As per the doctrine
of Maya (veil of illusion) Brahman is the only truth of life! Right
from the first manifestation as a human being... until the 1.1 millionth
manifestation in the human form... the goal of life remains... reaching
Brahman... the ultimate reality! The kingdom of God (aka Vaikuntha
in Hinduism)... is the abode of God!
All liberated
souls atmans at the end of their journey finally enter the kingdom
of God... a point of no return! Many travelers of the religious
path equate man gods with God Almighty. In scriptures... the entity
of God Almighty is absolute... termed Brahman... the one and only
Human beings...
be it Mahavira, Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ or prophet Mohammed...
reached the abode of God only after gaining enlightenment (kaivalya
jnana) and salvation (moksha).
by: Vijay
Kumar "Atma Jnani"
Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993 on Brahman Hinduism. For
more details on understanding brahman reincarnation and hinduism
visit - brahman
hinduism. Send
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