- Gain
Wisdom Knowledge
primary reason why people must apply themselves to knowledge and learning is...
Settling for something higher in life! Devoid of good education and learning...
the level of human beings reduces to that of contract labor! Higher the levels
of learning... better are we placed in our career... a chosen goal of life!
- Wisdom
vs Knowledge
is exploring the real self of us... the world of our soul atman within! If we
desire gaining Wisdom... we need to travel the spiritual path. Bhagavad Gita...
the most sacred doctrine given to mankind by Lord Krishna in the battle of Mahabharata
is pure Wisdom. All the 700 verses contained in Bhagavad Gita give the real gist
of life! The knower of Bhagavad Gita becomes the knower of all... one practically
becomes omniscient! |
- Gaining
is no secret in becoming intelligent... gaining intelligence! Practically intelligence
is gained by two processes... the bookish knowledge and experience. As one matures
in life different experiences increase our level of intelligence on the earthly
plane. Bookish knowledge gives us expertise in the field of our choice. |
- Define
I was to control the flow of thoughts from the reservoir of mind plus and mind
minus. Having controlled all the five senses in entirety... controlling the flow
of thoughts from the reservoir of mind was not difficult. Ultimately came a stage
when only those thoughts were invoked that were desired by me. All undesirable
and thoughts of negative nature were discarded outright. |
- Common
Sense vs Wisdom
sense is guided by our intellect and intellect is the knowledge gained out of
books and experiences. It is nowhere related to wisdom. As we proceed on the journey
of life we are guided by two factors... our intellect (aka Buddhi in Hinduism)
and the wisdom directly gained from God Almighty. |
- Define
Intelligent person
enlightened soul becomes the most intelligent being on Mother Earth. Reaching
the last leg of cosmic life... the 8.4 millionth manifestation announces liberation
forever from the cycle of birth and death for soul atman within. No further life
to manifest... the soul atman regains its pure pristine original form and goes
back to the kingdom of God (aka Vaikuntha in Hinduism). |
- Knowledge
or Wisdom
knowledge gained from the books (bookish knowledge) or the wisdom acquired from
Scriptural texts... what is more important in life? nice question...When
I was young... I always came second in my class. It was rarely I came first. As
I cleared standard after standard... something within kept me highly excited!
What it was... I never could understand it! In ninth standard, I gave way to the
feelings within. I stopped mugging. All was over for me. I had got zero in three
papers and two marks (out of 10) in one paper. I had bitterly failed. One who
always stood second in class had become an utter failure overnight. Why? |
- Wisdom
and Knowledge
is gaining knowledge about the absolute. Wisdom (aka jnana in Hinduism) is knowing
God and his system. Understanding the crux of Bhagavad Gita, sacred scriptures
of Jainism, the Buddhist scriptures, Bible and Quran is Wisdom.Gaining
different types of knowledge (it can be bookish knowledge, vocal knowledge or
any other type of knowledge) while in a school or College is termed as knowledge. All
knowledge gained helps us live this physical manifested world in a better way.
But gaining wisdom leads us directly towards the kingdom of God. This is the ultimate
reality. |
and Pleasure
human beings never have an urge... a thirst for knowledge! We simply seek knowledge
to get ahead in life... to earn a living! Gaining knowledge is not an end in itself...
it is simply a means to an end! Knowledge helps one gain footing in the journey
of life! Mounted with proper knowledge one reaches the desired destination...
the goal of life! |